Full text: Statistical manual

Trustee: The Foreman Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, John 
W. Bissell, co~trustee. 
Security: Entire city block in Dallas, two blocks from Union 
Depot, facing on four streets, and the building thereon, 80,~ 
000 sq. ft. floor space, 4,000 sq. ft. basement space, used for 
the centralization and distribution of parcel post mail 
Earnings: Leased to United States government for a term ex- 
tending beyond bond-term at an annual rental of $59,900— 
and of this sum $48,000 is paid to the Trustee to meet in- 
terest and sinking fund on these bonds—maximum interest 
$33,600. Government also pays for heat, light, water and 
maintenance of conveyor, thus reducing operating expense 
to a minimum. 
Boston Postal Service Station 
First Mortgage 10-Year 5%% 1938 Sinking Fund Bonds 
Amount: $650,000. 
Dated: July 2, 1928. 
Maturity: July 1, 1938. 
Interest: January and July 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—All State taxes up to % of 1%—D. C. 5 
mills, Mass income 6%. 
Redemption: 101. 
Trustee: Old Colony Trust Company, Boston. 
Land by Henderson & Ross at.............. $289,413 
Land by Arthur J. Pearce, Jr............... 267,975 
Building, Burtis Brown.........c.co0vvevenn. 743,000 
Building, Bernard Miller......... 764,000 
Lowest total appraisal... . vere wumsiess  LOIOSTB 
Security: Fee in southeast corner Ipswich Street near Boylston, 
Back Bay district, and 3-story building—total 127,000 sq. 
ft. floor space, equipped with ramps—storage space for Post 
Office motors and vehicles, and service station. 
Earnings: Entire building leased to U. S. Government for period 
extending beyond bond-maturity, at annual rental of $72,240. 
Maximum bond interest $37,750. 

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