Full text: Statistical manual

Slawson & Hobbs............... $2,500,000 
Fredk. Zittel & Sons, Inc......... 2,600,000 
Assessed 1930 .......ovviiiiierinitoreaeaes 2,250,000 
Security: Fee estate in land fronting 100 feet on West 72nd 
Street, depth 102.2, west of Central Park, 10,216 square 
feet, and the 32-story apartment building erected thereon. 
About 90% rented (May, 1930), full rental 
schedule .......cciiiiiiiiiiiiniinnenenens 
Operating expenses including taxes.......... 
* 4 ® % % 8 * Ww 
Net income, approximately.................. 
First mortgage interest.. .. 
Court and Remsen Streets Office Building 
(Brooklyn, N. Y.) 
First Mortgage 1940 Sinking Fund 6% Bonds 
Amount: $3,500,000; retired, $144,000; outstanding, $3,356,000. 
Dated: April 28, 1925. 
Maturity: April 28, 1940. 
Interest: April and October 28th. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Conn., Maryland; Dist. of Colum- 
bia, Virginia, N. H. and Mass. 
Redemption: Sinking fund 101; otherwise 103 to 1936; then 102 
Trustee: William R. Gillespie. 
Joseph M. May........ .. $4,800,000 
John F. James & Sons......... 5,043,863 
Assessed 1930 land and building............. 3,750,000 
Security: Fee estate in plot 100x137.6—at the northwest corner 
of Court and Remsen Streets in Brooklyn, facing Borough 
Hall Park, with subway and all transportation facilities. and 
the 28-story office building erected thereon. 
Junior Lien: These bonds are followed in lien by a blanket 
mortgage on this and several other parcels of property 
owned by the Bricken Properties Corporation, 6%% due in 
1946, the release price of this parcel being fixed at $1,250,000. 

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