Full text: Hours and earnings of men and women in the hosiery industry

Table 7. Hosiery Plant Employes 
HOD eee eee ree ec ra ee te meee me mmm 
WOON ee eee eee em ee meen 
VHRIOTE TOIEE IB coseismic pms spigot sim bi sit ok om sso meme meme 
Total A HR fs 
Number Per cent 
At the time this study was made, production in the hosiery plants 
studied was apparently about normal for the industry as a whole, The 
majority of the plants were operating one daily work shift. There were 
14 plants, however, with two shifts in operation and one plant running 
on a three-shift basis. The plants having more than one work shift 
were for the most part plants manufacturing full-fashioned hosiery. 
Scheduled hours of plants 
Weekly hours 
The scheduled work week on the day shift in the hosiery plants 
ranged from 48 to 54 hours. While the 48 hour week was scheduled 
most frequently, almost as many plants scheduled a 54 hour week. The 
plants manufacturing full-fashioned hosiery tended to have shorter 
scheduled hours than the plants manufacturing seamless hosiery. Of 
the 14 plants scheduling a 48 hour week, nine were full-fashioned 
hosiery plants, three were seamless, and two were plants producing both 
types of hosiery. Only one full-fashioned hosiery plant had a weekly 
schedule of 54 hours. There was rarely any difference in the scheduled 
hours for men and women on the day shift. In plants where a night 
shift was operated, the scheduled hours were usually longer on the night 
shift than on the day shift. The scheduled hours in nine of the 13 night 
shifts exceeded 54 hours. Work on the night shift was done entirely 
by men. Scheduled hours on the middle shift were short, work on this 
shift usually started in the afternoon and closed before midnight. 
Table 8. Scheduled Plant Hours by Shift 
Niymber of plants 
Scheduled hours 
Day shift | Middle shift | Night shift 
Inder 44 meme 
Le "id and under 48 LLL rm mr mee 
Soir me so IIIT 
vei 53 and onder 54 IIIT 
AE Tr 60 ITI 
080A OVer moe 
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