Full text: Hours and earnings of men and women in the hosiery industry

of work could be secured also was greater in some occupational classi- 
fications than in others. However, with the exception of men in the 
legging department and women in the seaming and mending depart- 
ments, the proportion of full-fashioned hosiery employes whose hours 
of work were recorded was never less than one-half. In the seamless 
hosiery industry, men machine fixers constituted the only occupational 
group in which hours of work were reported for more than one-half 
of the employes. (Appendix Table II). 
Weekly hours of employes 
The hours actually worked by the men and women in the hosiery 
industry were very often not the same as the hours scheduled. The 
48 hour week which was scheduled for 42 per cent of the hosiery 
employes was actually worked by only nine per cent. No hosiery em- 
ploye was scheduled to work less than 44 hours a week, yet in the week 
studied 11 per cent of the men and 24 per cent of the women in the 
full-fashioned hosiery plants and 15 per cent of the men and 54 per 
cent of the women in the seamless hosiery plants worked less than 44 
hours. (Chart 3). Men worked longer hours than women. In the 
full-fashioned hosiery plants 58 per cent of the men worked more than 
54 hours a week, although only 36 per cent had scheduled hours of more 
than 54. In the seamless hosiery industry, where eight per cent of 
the men had scheduled hours in excess of 54, 17 per cent worked more 
than 54 hours in the week studied. 
Actual working hours were longer in the full-fashioned hosiery in- 
dustry than in the seamless hosiery industry. Twenty per cent of the 
Chart 3. Actual Weekly Hours of Men and Women 
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