Full text: Hours and earnings of men and women in the hosiery industry

Table V. Variation from Scheduled Weekly Hours by Occupational Classification and Sex 
Occupational classification 
Total Full time Overtime Undertime 
Total Full time Overtime Undertime 
Num- | Per ¢ Num- | Per . Num- Per Num- Per 
ber i cent ber © cent ber cent ber cent 
Num- | Per Num-! Per Num- Per ' Num- Per 
ber . cent ber cent ber cent ber ' cent 
Full-fashioned hosiery 
Boarding oom. 100.0 13.1 if 5.8 180 1.1 
[24703 1.27 - SN hl 3 * 29 k 24 
IXAMINING oe eee cece ®t 11 * & * 8 * 
Enitting-£00tiNG weemmocmee eee o 100.0 1686 . 62.4 30 11.3 70 26.8 
{nitting-legging ___o cev oem 400 100.0 282 + 61.8 48 10.4 130 28.3 
Initting helPers eveweoemooeeeee 804 ' 100.0 367 | 45.6 190 23.8 47 30.7 
SOODIDE eee ce eee meme em eee oe am mm. ————— ST 
Machine fixing ._.ooooomoam oo. 19 | * 9 * 6 * 4 * 
Maintenance .ooemee_ooooo oo ____. 205 | 100.0 9 38.5 82 40.0 44 21.5 
Mending ooo eee AIG, S————————— 
PACKING hommes coe 3 r——— # 4 * 
Paring eee i SR WARY 01 WHR ae mon mpm nt mre ompR 
Seaming oom. 38 * 31 i ——— 7 * 
BOLLING oocnmiomsmimmminms ims 19 | % 18 Be RARE domi Su 1 * 
[1063 37. nl. 2 * 2 = 42 * 
DUSTING onc ai SSSR Ri. stupwromp bore mre mm m—— SS rome A SHURE, BR prem 
NINAINE eee cee meee 2) * i * 1 Bm 
Nthar 7: yp 334 | 100.0 176 652.4 8 23.4 81: 242 
Total reporting meen ememneeeen 2528 | 100.0 io1207 417 479 18.9 842 . 383.5 
Hours mot recorded eee... MOT TTT 
TOA] meme 3935 — 
Seamless hoslery : 
Boarding «ue 3 F RRUNENES ENS mm——— ——— 3 A 36 Br Si seme, mmr ope is 36 | » 
DFRING cis mmm mmm mm i 12 * 1 % 2 * 8 * mmm on, te i Sh ————————, 7 ——_ pr —‘— a 
ER BI IIE ace eee me eee me me ee eee em e 45 * WF eeesnineeimms eg = 
Knitting-rib WOrk wemooooooeooecceees 87 0% 31 - 2 LE 4 * 2 BE smamimeimmmmm: mmm———"———— Zz, 
Knitting-string work o.oo. _____. 5 + 9 Br A 2 * 14 x a Yemen Q - 
i A a mR 1 * 
Toad” 00 98 ssl 15 61 1% 55.7 
Tees T0000 88 19.2 wm Tee Tam Thee 
204, 10.0 12 60.3 us td 3.3 
157 000 #12 9 57 11 7d 
208 100.0 30 14.4 5 2.4 113 83.2 
330 | 160.0 221, 67.0 26, T.9 8 5.1 
8 * eee eee ee 8 * 
621 100.0 185 20.8 52. 8.4 384 | 61.3 
1 * 5 im 1: ed 
194 100.0 Thr 018 106 si 
1000 84 490 16 94 71] 415 
100.0 S07 36.7 172: 7.0 1390, 56.3 
FeTe311) 1 F- A — i 
Machine fixing =m emer emee| 
Maintenance oom cmemamemeean 
Mending —cveceecenmmcam mem m—————— 
PREEIIR  aoi mom woo oie immm insmm 
PAITIIE wnmmemmmmmm ins mmmmm wm mmm 
PISSING cre cmmemomom meme emma memes “ 
BAVOUNDT  cuvenrimetiemmimm mgm mms Pn msm ms Fm 
Seaming and wWeltiDf —eccceemocaceeer  -. y  pe—— a —— i ——— 
3eparating tODS cocomooemeremcommame memcmofemmmmenc lamas emer momma mmm mamma meme 
[S163 51731 VU IO a Demme emma mee 2 * 
Splice CULLING coececmemme mma ccm mae mmm mm mm ema ee el 
TOPPING eommecamicamen meee eam lommmm ean mmemmame ame emoee maemo mmm em—n amme———— 
Turning aeeeee-. a os i nos om mr ro 
WINAIDE oe omewmemememmmeeam mm mmmm mee |eecmn cnn macnn momen mmn mmm mmm mmo mma | mores mm mn amma 
DBEE imran | 38’ * 19 * 9 ¥ 10 * 
Total reporting a 7 | 100.0 67 3.2 48] m1 56 32.7 
Hours not recorded —evememmmmoua--! 234 femme foe ecm imme mm | mmm em mn | mm em em mre 
— ————————r—rtareses tn + ee apt. | trp. tte sn te FC FU — 
»Por pent not comniited wheres the hase is less than 100 
33 E 8 Ee eon eS] 47 ] 
78 « . 9g' w 2 * 8! = 
36 » 51 0% em enn 31, + 
er tl SE SS 1! * 
4! Ys 5 i » 
108 100.0 46 42.6 ann 62 57.4 
3 * ee mee——— momma 8 * 
38; * . 2 : 1] + 17 * 
14 * 4 : 10» at 
£77 © 100.0 137 | 28.7 4 .8 336 | 70.4 
end Co . | oe a mm rep cme, el Jl WR. 

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