Full text: Responsibility of states for damage caused in their territory to the person or property of foreigners

wherein the evident lack of civilization and the imminent danger to the 
person and property of aliens, render it imperative to take special steps for 
the protection of the State’s nationals. These are really emergency cases in 
international life. And even they, at a more advanced stage of civilization, 
should be subject to some collective control. Beyond that, the action of the 
States should be confined to demand the intervention of international justice 
to fix responsibility and to afford reparation. Reprisals should, therefore, 
be altogether abolished. The substantive rules of law involving contractual 
responsibility should be set forth bearing in mind the principles of justice 
and equity, in order to properly reconcile the requirements of the best public 
interests of the nation with the rights and interests of the persons who have 
contracted with it. Such broad and general formulas as may be adopted will 
be rendered practical and more specific in the course of time by the decisions 
of international courts.

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