Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

Bensol.: Mamfrs. 
Bentwood furni- 
ture. Exp. 
Bentwood furmi- 
iture, Mainfrs. 14 
Benzine  Manfrs. 56 
Benzine. Imp. 147 
Berlin shawls 
Manfrs. 33 
Berlin wool. Imp, 148 
Billberries, Exp. 85 
Bird lime, Exp. 122 
Bitumen Mahnfrs,. 21 
Bitumen. Imp. 145 
Blaeking and shoe 
dressing. Mamfrs, 60 
Bleachers establish- 
ments 28 
Blotters, Manfrs. 84 
Bluing. Manfrs. 62 
Boards (small) for 
window  blinds 
Mamfrs. 7 
Bookbinders.. 53 
Bookbinders' sup- 
plies, Imp 139 
Books. Imp. 138 
Books Exp 113 
Boot finishing ink. 
(Black), Manmfrs, 56 
Boot laces. Manfrs., 28 
Bootmakers sun- 
drijes. Imp. 138 
Boots. Imp. 135 
Boots  Manfrs, 26 
Bottles. Manfrs. 49 
Bottles and cups. 
Exp. 114 
Bottles for drugs. 
Exp 114 
Bowels., Manfrs. 81 
Boxes for electric 
lamps. Manfrs. 71 
Boxes. Ice. Manfrs, 10 
3oxes of tin, . 
Manfrs 72 
Boxes of wood, 
Manfrs. 10 
Braces. Manfrs. 35 
Braided sandals. 
Braided shawls. 
Bran. Exp 
Brandy. Exp 
Brandv  Manfrs, 
Brass Imp. 
Brass furniture. 
Brass furniture. 
Imp 197 
Brieks Exp. 11 
Bricks. Manfrs. 40 
Bridges, construc- 
tions of “ 
Brliauette manufac- 
tories 21 
Bridquettes. Imp. 208 
3ristles, Exp. 121 
3rocade paper. 
Manfrs. 52 
3rooms. Bxp. 121 
2rooms  Imp. 205 
3rooms Manfrs. 84 
3rushes., Exp. 121 
Brushes Manfrs. 83 
Brushes and 
brooms., Imp. 205 
Jucčkwheat. Bxp. 86 
3uckwheat. Imp. 125 
Builders material, 
Exp. 104 
Builders wood. 
Manfrs. 10 
Builders and techni- 
cal wood, Exp, 101 
žuildines 46 
Bureau reqaulire- 
ments. Exp. 123 
Zutter. Exp. 97 
3uttons. Imp 206 
Žuttons  Manfrs. 82 
Buttons of tin, 
Mamtfrs. 82 
Buttons of horn 
Manfrs. 82 
Buttons of nacre. 
Manfrs 82 
Cabinet and uphol- 
sterv. webs. 
Imp. 172 
Cable Manfrs. 81 
Čacao, Manfrs. 1 
Cakes. Manfrs. 6 
Calculating appa- 
ratuses. Imp, 193 
Calves. Exp. 97 
Candles. Manfrs. 65 
Caps. Imp. 172 
Caps. Manfrs. 33 
Carbolic acid 
Manfrs. 58 
Carbolic acid  Imp, 151 
Carbolie lime. 
Carbonilie acid 
COarboard. Exp. 113 
Carboard for ado- 
rument, Manfrs, 52 
Carboard undulating 
(Manfrs. 52 
Cardboard, Rubberoid. 
Manfrs. 63 
Cardboard works. 
Imp. 138 
Cardboard works. 
Manfrs. 51 
Carriage_ baby, 
Mamfrs, 71 
Carpenters woorks. 
Manfrs. 15 
Carpets. Exp. 123 
Carpets,  Manfrs. 30 
Carpets. Imp. 169 
Cases. Packing 
Manfrs. 14 
Caskes  Mamfrs. Vi 
Cast iron benches. 
Manfrs. 71 
Celophan, Imp. 138 
Celluloid Imp.. 148 
Gellulose Exp. 112 
Jellulose. Manfrs 50 
Jement. Exp. 111 
Jement, Manfrs, 39 
Gement american 
white. Imp. 145 
Cement products. 
Manfrs. 41 
Cement construc- 
tion 39 
Cement for wood 
Manfrs. 65 
Central heating 46 
Ceramic plates. 
Exp. 111 
shains. Imp. 185 
ohains Exp 121 
Chains, Manfrs, > 71 
Chalk. Iimp. . 153 
Chamotte goods. 
Mamfrs. 42 
Manfrs. 25 
Champagne, Imp. 133 
Chareoal, Exp. 108 
Charcoal, Mamfrs. 18 
Charcoal. of Lindem 
produced in re- 
torts, Exp, 104 
Charcoal of Linden. 
produced in re- 
torts, Manfrs. 10 
Cheese and butter. 
Rsxp u?

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