Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

Cuemiicals, Imp 192 
Chemical colors. 
Manfrs. 59 
Chemical Plharma- 
ceutic Prepara- 
tions, Exp. 215 
Chicorvy. Manfrs. i 
Chinese silver and 
alpaca g00ds, 
imyp. 184 
Chimnevs eostru- 
etion of manu- 
factory 41 
Chinine (raw). Imp. 153 
Chocolate and cacao 
Mantfrs, i 
Chloroforme. Imp. 153 
Christmas tree deco- 
ration. Manfrs 84 
Christmas tree deco- 
ration 1Imp. 209 
Cigar. Manfrs, 1 
Cigar holders. 
Cigarette paper 
Cigarette paper 
Citric acid, Imr. 
Clay, Imp. 
Clay. artieles of. 
Manfrs. 42 
Clay stoves. Exp. 111 
Cleaning establish- 
ments 28 
člockes (Watches), 
imp. 191 
Closet sears. 
Manfrs. 9 
Closet seats. Exp, 103 
Clothes brush. 
Manfrs. 81 
Chlothes hangers. 
Exp. 103 
Clothes haugers. 
Manfrs. 18 
Clothiers. Imp. 161 
Clothing. Manufac- 
turers Manirs. 34 
Clothing waterproof 
Coal Imp. . 
Coal tar. Exp. 
Coal tar Manfrs, 
Cocoons Exp. 
Cod liver oil. _ 
[mp. 15% 
Cognac. Manfrs. 24 
Cognac and rum, 
Coke, Manfrs. 593 
Coke. Exp. 116 
Zold storage, Imp, 187 
Collieries 21 
Colonial goods. 
Imp. 131 
Color pompei red, 
Manfrs. 63 
Colors (Peints). 
Imn 14 
Colors (Peints), 
Exp. 114 
Colors chemical 
Manfrs. 59 
Colors Hughes. 
Manfrs. 61 
Culors Morse. 
Colors unpoisonous 
Imp. 148 
Combs. Exp. 121 
Combs Imp. 205 
Combs Manfrs. 81 
Commercial books, 
Commercial inquir 
offices 294 
Oonsulates 230 
Conveying machine- 
ry. Imp. 181 
Cooking apparatus 
electric, Manfrs.  %7 
Copying paper, 
Manfrs. 5i 
Copying paper, Exp., 113 
Copper. lmnp. 178 
Copper mines 21 
Manfrs. vi 
Cordage  Manfrs. 31 
Corks, Manfrs. 81 
Cork bricks and 
tiles. Manfrs, 84 
Cork dust, Exp. 123 
Cosimeties, Manfrs, 60 
Costumes, Inp. 162 
Cotton goods. Imp, 168 
Cotton ribbons 
Manfrs. 30 
Cotton stuffs. 
Manfrs. 30 
Cotton varn, Imp, 166 
Cotton wool. Imp., 173 
Courts of arbitra- 
tion 230 
Creosote, Exp. 116 
Creosote. Manfrs, 60 
Creosote oil. 
Manfrs. 60 i 
Creosote oil. Expo [116 
Crossing material, 
Manfrs, 15 
Curry combs. 
Manfrs. 70 
Cups. EBxp. 1141 
Cultures f. dairying. 
Imp. 151 
Curtains. Imp. 176 
Cyeles Imp. 202 
Dairy machine- 
ries Imp. 192 
Dealers in posra- 
ge stamps. 
Exp. 122 
Deflagration of me- 
tals Exp. 120 
Deflagration of 
pyrite, Exp. 117 
Dentists supplies. 
Imp_ 210 
Desinfecting oils. 
Manfrs. 67 
Dessert wine. Imp, 134 
Destillates. fruit. 
Ex». 99 
Destillates. fruit. 
Mantfrs. 20 
Divine apparatus, 
Imp . 190 
Drain pipes. Exp. 1il 
Dried plums. Exp. 92 
[tried fruits Exp, 93 
Drinks. not aleoho- 
lic. Manfrs. Da 
Drugs. Imp. 149 
Dyehouses 28 
Earthen and stone- 
vessels. Manfrs, 42 
Earthen colors. 
Manfrs. 67 
Earthen ware. Exp. 114i 
Eeonomical organi- 
zations ad cor- 
porations 229 
Egas. Exp.. 91 
Elastie stuffs. 
Imp. 160 
Eleetrie centrals TE 
Eleetrie cooking 
apparatus  Manfrs, 77 
Electric installations 
for the removal 
of seale, Manfrs, 78 
Electric machine- 
ries. Manfrs. 78 
Eleetrical batteries, 
Manfrs. 77 
Eleetrie installa- 
tions for remo- 
val of seale, Exp, 120

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