Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

Sulphur  Imp, 156 
Sulphurie acid. Exp. 117 
Sulphuric acid Imp. 156 
Sulphuric acid. 
Manfrs, 65 
Exp 117 
Manfrs . 65 
surgical bandage. 
Imp. 1793 
Surgical bandage. 
Manfrs. 33 
Surgical instruments. 
Manfrs. 11 
Surgical instruments. 
Imp. 204 
Sweets Manfrs. 1 
Swines. Ep. 97 
Switeh-  Manfrs, 75 
Srphon Imp. 182 
Syrun. Manfrs, 4 
Svringes. Manfrs. re: 
Svringes Exp. 120 
Sryringes and pumps. 
Imp 191 
fallow. Manfrs. 83 
Tallow. Ex. 122 
Tallow. Imp. 208 
Tannin  Exp. 117 
Tannin, Manfrs. 65 
Tanning extracts, 
Tanning extracts 
Mantfrs. 65 
Tar. Imp. 152 
Tar oil MAlanfrs 59 
Tar (Wooden). 
Exp i15 
Tar (Wooden). 
Manfrs. 58 
Tartar. Exp. 117 
Tartarie acid. Imp., 159 
Technical glass. 
Ip. 414 
Technical instru- 
ments. Manfrs, 75 
Technical instru- 
inents, Imp. 195 
Technical oils 
Manfrs. 50 
[echnical soap 
Technical woo« 
Telegraph poles 
Telegraph poles 
Telegraph and te- 
lephon supplies. 
Thread. Imp. 
Thread. Manfrs. 
Terra cotte. 
Manfrs 42 
Tiles. Manfrs. 40 
Tiles and brieks. 
Exp. 111 
Tin. linp. 196. 185 
Tin boxes. 
Manfrs. q2 
Tin goods and tin 
ware. Manfrs. 71 
Tinplates for roofs. 
Mamnfrs. q2 
Tintanks. Manfrs. 72 
[oilet soap. Manfrs., 64 
[oll-agents 219 
Tombstones, Manfrs, 38 
[ovotte grease, 
Manfrs. 66 
Tovs. Im. 208 
Toys. Manfrs. 8 
TIramway wagons. 
Manfrs. 75 
Transformers f, mo- 
tor cars Manfrs, 81 
Iransmissions. Imp. 195 
Manfrs 75 
Transmission parts, 
Manfrs. 70 
Traverses, lmp. 196 
Triangles, E5v. 105 
Triangles, (wood). 
Manfrs. 14 
Tricot stuffs. 
Manfrs. 31 
Trimming, ware 
Exp. 118 
Triminings. Manfrs. 30 
Tubes. Imp. 179 
Tubes lead. Manfrs, 78 
Tubs. Manfrs. 7 
Turbine  Manfrs. 75 
furned goods. Imp., 135 
Frurpentine. Imp. 156 
[urpentine. Manfrs, 66 
Twine. Imp. 172 
[vpewriters appa- 
ratuses. Imp. 193 
Ultramarine, Imp. 15% 
Umbrellas and pa- 
rasols. Imp. 161 
Underelothing. (Li- 
nen). Exp. 119 
Underelothing  (Li- 
nen). Imp 169 
Underelothing = (Li- 
nen) Manfrs. 90 
Undulating card- 
board. Manfrs. 32 
Unpoisonous colors, 
Imp. 148 
Vaceines, animal, 
Manfrs, 56 
Various meat pro- 
duces. Exp. O 
Varnish  Exp, 115 
Varnish. Imp. 147 
Varnish. Manfrs. 5 
Varnish. printing. 
Manfrs. 5 
Vaseline. Imp. 158 
Vaseline Manfrs. 6% 
Vegetable oil. Imp, 158 
Vegetable oil. 
Vegetabler ceonser- 
ves. Manfrs. 6 
Vegetables (fresh), 
Exp. 90 
Vegetables. Imp., 1206 
Velvet, Iimp. 159 
Velvet cords. 
Manfrs. 29 
Veneers. Exp. 100 
Veneers. Imp. 134 
Veneers, Manfrs, 8 
Vermouth, Exp, 98 
Vessels enamelled, 
Vessels aluminium 
and enamelled, 
Iimp. 139 
Veteh Exp. s8 
Vinegar. Manfrs, 23 
Wadding. linp, 10 
Waddine. Manfrs. a 
Wagons. Tramway 
Manfrs, 7 
Waggonets, Manfrs. 706 
Waggonets., Imp. 202 
Wall paper. Imp. 143 
\WVall paper. Manfrs, 52 
Wastes. Imp. 162 
Wateline. Iimp. 173 
Wateline. Manfrs, 32 
Water. mineral, 
Manfrs, 21 
Watehes. Imp. 191 
Water mineral. 
Imp. 133 
Waterproof elothing, 
Manfrs. 34 
Waterproof clothing 
Imp. 162

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