Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

Waterproof celothing. 
Exp. i18 
Waxes. Imp. 159 
Weights. Mamfrs, 75 
Weights_ Imp.; 204 
Wheat, Exp. 90 
Wheat. Imp. 128 
Whetstones, Imp, 145 
Whips, Mamfrs. 26 
Whisks, Exp. 121 
White oils, Exp. 114 
White oils. . 
Manfrs. . 56 
Wickerware furni- 
ture, Manfrs. 14 
Wieks for iamps. 
Manfrs. 30 
Manfrs. 49 
Window blinds, 
small boards for 
—. Manfrs. 7 
Window blind rollers,: 
xp. 105 
Window blind rol- 
lers, Mamfrs. 14 
Wine, Exp. 99 
Wine. Mamfrs. 23 
Wine spirit of 
Wire. Imp. 
Wire matiress 
Mire netting. Imp. 198 
Mire ropes._ Imp, 198 
Wire ropes of copper 
and steel, Manfrs. 81 
Wire works and 
fencings, Manfrs, 77 
Wood boxes. 
Manfrs. 10 
Mood builders 
Mamfrs. 10 
Mood builders. 
and. technical, 
Wood cement, 
Mamnfrs. 65 
Wood hamdles. 
Exp. 99 
Wood 'handles. 
Manfrs. 7 
Wood. heating 
Exp. 100 
Wood. heating — 
Manfrs. 8 
Wood. preserve 
means, Manfrs. 64 
Wood pulp. Mamfrs. 50 
Wood pulp board, 
Manfrs. 50 
Wood wool. Exp. 109 
Wood wool. Manfrs. 18 
Wood working 
Machines. Imp, 192 | 
Wooden lianne. 
Manfrs. 59 
Wooden lime. 
Exp. 117 
Wooden stoppers. 
Exp. 99. 
Wooden stoppers. 
Manfrs. 7 
Wooden tar, Exp. 115 
Wooden tar. 
Mamfrs. 58 
Wool, Exp. 119 
Wool_ Imp. 7 
Wool of woođ, 
Exp.- 109 
Wool of wood, . 
Alanfrs. 18 
Wool ribboms. 
Manfrs. - 30 
Woolen. Imp 174 
Woollen stuffs, 
Manfrs. 90. 
Wraping paper, 
Exp. 113 
Wraping paper. 
Manfrs. 51 
Varn (cotton), -. . 
Manfrs. 29 
YVeast. Manfrs, 1 
Zine Imp. 180 
Zine 'plates. Imp, 180 
Zine poles for gal-' 
vanic elements, 
Manfrs. 68

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