Full text: American debt

The Right Honorable 
Sir Avckranp Geppnes, G.C.M.G., K.C.B,, 
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 
The British Embassy, 
Washington, D.C. 
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 
18th June, 1923, transmitting the proposal dated the 18th day of June, 
1923, by His Britannic Majesty’s Government to the Government 
of the United States of America regarding the funding of the 
debt of Great Britain to the United States. This proposal is agreeable 
bo the World War Foreign Debt Commission, and I am writing for the 
Oommission and by its authority to advise you that the proposal is hereby 
accepted on behalf of the United States of America, pursuant to the 
authority conferred by the Act of Congress approved February 9, 1922, 
as amended by the Act of Congress approved February 28, 1923. 
In accordance therewith I am writing to ask that bonds as contemplated 
thereby may be delivered as soon as possible to the Secretary of the 
Treasury of the United States in exchange for the demand obligations 
amounting to $4.074.818.358.44 now held by him. which are otherwise 
now pavable. 
Verv trulv vours. 
A. W. MEernLon. 
Secretary of the Treasury and Chairman of the 
World War Foreian Debt Commission. 
Warren GG. Harbpixng. 
June 19, 1923. 
(41782) Wt 1200—R17 16000 7/93 H. &t (IR

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