Full text: Greek war debt

No. 1012, 
Legation de Gréce, 
51. Upper Brook Street, 
London, W.1. 
9th April, 1927. 
T have the honour to acknowledge receipt of the letter under 
the same date, by which you have been so good as to inform me 
that on the occasion of the signature of the Agreement for the 
funding of the Greek War Debt to Great Britain, you desire to 
smphasise to me the friendly attention with which His Britannic 
Majesty’s Government are following the efforts of my Govern- 
ment to restore the financial situation of Greece and to stabilise 
Greek currency. Furthermore you express the conviction that 
‘he settlement of the Greek War Debt to Great Britain will 
contribute to this end, and you kindly assure me that His 
Britannic Majesty’s Government would view with the utmost 
sympathy any well considered plan of financial reconstruction 
framed on adequate lines, and will gladly give such a plan the 
fullest support that may be in their power. You also state that 
His Britannic Majesty's Government are the more ready to give 
this support in view of and in return for the waiver by my 
Government, as part of the Debt funding Agreement, of their 
-laim to the balance of the credits arising from the agreement 
of 10th February, 1918. 
[ wish, in expressing to you my sincere thanks for the above 
sssurances given in the name of His Britannic Majesty's 
Government, to take account of the contents of your letter on 
hehalf of mv Government. 
I have the honour to be, 
With the hichest consideration, 
Your most obedient humble Servant, 
To the Right Honourable, 
Winston CHUrcHILL, C.H., M.P., 
Chancellor of the Exchequer. 
(64776) Wt. 15049—4462 1125 10/27 H.St. (T.S. Ps. 1207) G.18

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