Full text: Roumanian war debt

Roumania. Upon the completion of each payment the relative 
Bond will be cancelled and returned to the Roumanian Govern- 
5. Roumania will at any time at the request of Great Britain 
and within six months of receiving such request in exchange for 
any or all of the Bonds proposed to be issued hereunder, issue to 
Great Britain bonds suitable for sale to the public in bearer, 
registered or inscribed form of such amounts, and denominations 
as Great Britain may request, on the same terms and conditions 
as to the dates of issue and maturity exemption from taxation 
and in all other respects as the Bonds surrendered on such ex- 
change. The Roumanian Government will at their expense 
cause any bonds so issued to be stamped in accordance with the 
British fiscal legislation from time to time in force. 
6. Roumania states that under existing law the payments pro- 
vided for by this Agreement are a charge upon all the assets and 
revenues of Roumania. Roumania further undertakes that the 
annual sums due in accordance with this Agreement shall be duly 
‘ncluded in the Annual Budget Law for each year. 
7. Upon the delivery of the Bonds referred to in Article 4, 
Great Britain will cancel and return to the Roumanian Govern- 
ment Roumanian Treasury Bills to the face value of £18,448,200. 
8. In the event of Roumania agreeing with other Creditor 
Governments to fund its Debt due to the War with Germany on 
berms more favourable (whether in amount or otherwise) than 
those provided for by this Agreement, Great Britain reserves the 
right to require that the payments provided for by this Agreement 
shall be increased so as to be substantially equivalent to those 
agreed to be made to such other Creditor Government in propor- 
lion to the respective amount of the Debts of Roumania to Great 
Britain and to such other Creditor Government. 
Signed in duplicate at London on fhe nineteenth day of 
Yetober 1095 
On behalf of Great Britain. 
Controller of Finance, 
H.M. Treasury. 
On behalf of Roumania,. 
Roumanian Minister in 

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