Full text: Roumanian war debt

Forum oF Bonb. 
Dated 15th November, 1925—Maturing 15th November, 19 | 
_ The Government of the Kingdom of Roumania for value received 
promises to pay to the Government of His Britannic Majesty, or order, 
on the uy ber, 19 . . , the sum of pounds 
sterling at the Bank of England, London. 
The payment due under this Bond shall be exempt from all Roumanian 
Taxation, present or future so long as it is in the beneficial ownership of 
His Britannic Majesty’s Government or of a person, firm, association or 
sorporation neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in Roumania. 
This Bond is issued by the Government of the Kingdom of Roumania 
pursuant to the Agreement of 19th October, 1925, for the Funding of 
she Roumanian War Debt to Great Britain. 
In Witness whereof the Government of the Kingdom of Roumania has 
caused this bond te be executed in its behalf bv... 
shereunto duly authorised. 
64385) Wt, 175781184 1195 12/97 HH. St (1 1%

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