Full text: The Demand for Empire butter

From this table it will be seen that Danish butter is much more 
popular in the Northern than in the Southern areas, the difference 
being rather more marked in independent than in multiple shops. 
In shops where Danish was stocked together with other types, it 
was usually the chief line with the largest sales even in the Southern 
areas where it was by no means the staple butter, 
Finnish butter was found in 12 per cent. of the shops in the 
Manchester area, and in 7 per cent. in the Yorkshire area, but in no 
great number elsewhere. In these areas it was stocked chiefly by 
Local-Multiples and Independents. 
Siberian butter was found in a few multiple shops chiefly in 
Birmingham where it was most often stocked as a third line with 
Danish and either New Zealand or Argentine. 
Swedish butter was found in a small number of shops, mostly 
Independents and Local Multiples, in all the areas except Bristol and 
South Wales 
Ukrainian butter was found only in the branches of one national 
multiple firm where it was sold as a second line with New Zealand. 
Argentine butter was found in 15 per cent. of the shops in London 
and in a few in Birmingham. In London it was stocked as a cheaper 
line mostly by shops doing a low-class trade, but often its sales were 
stated to be larger than those of dearer types in the same shop. 
The comparative sales of Empire and foreign butter in the retail 
shops differed widely in the areas surveyed. In Bristol and South 
Wales, 49 per cent. of the shops were selling only Empire butter, and 
32 per cent. were selling an Empire type as their chief line. On the 
other hand, in Yorkshire only 16 per cent. of the shops were stocking 
Empire butter, and in the majority of these it was stated that the 
sales formed a very small proportion of the total. In Birmingham, 
75 per cent. of the shops were stocking an Empire type, but in 
two-thirds of these the sales were said to be small. and a European 
butter was stocked as the chief Tine 
In Table 17 the shops visited have been classified into four groups 
according to the proportions of Empire and foreign butters sold. 
In this analysis, blended and packeted butters have not been included. 

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