Full text: The Demand for Empire butter

Packeted butters were remarkably popular in Edinburgh, though 
they were usually stocked in conjunction with a bulk type and their 
sales were stated to be comparatively small. In Glasgow very few 
shops were stocking packeted butters. 
New Zealand butter was stocked by a larger proportion of shops 
in Edinburgh than in Glasgow; in Edinburgh it was usually sold as a 
second line to Danish, but in Glasgow it was more often the only 
type stocked. 
Irish butter, on the other hand, was more common in Glasgow than 
in Edinburgh. In Glasgow nearly 10 per cent. of the shops were 
selling Irish butter only. 
Other butters found in Glasgow were Argentine (three shops); and 
fscimalion. (one shop). In Edinburgh one shop was stocking Dutch 
Prices.—The prices of Danish butter in the Glasgow multiple shops 
showed an unusually wide range, all prices from 1s. 84. to 1s. 11d. 
being fairly frequent. The Multiples in Edinburgh nearly all sold at 
Ls. 84. or 1s. 94. in June and July, but in August 1s. 114. was a usual 
price. In the independent shops, the average was distinctly lower 
in Glasgow than in Edinburgh. 
The prices of Irish butter in Glasgow were very varied. In the 
few shops where it was selling at 1s. 114. or 2s. 04., Danish was also 
stocked but at a lower price: where it was 1s. 104., and in most of the 
shops where it was 1s. 94., it was the only butter stocked. 
Farm butter was the most expensive type in Glasgow, but in 
Edinburgh it was the cheapest. 
1. The object of the enquiry was to examine the position of Empire 
butters in the retail shops of the main centres of population in the 
United Kingdom and to estimate the extent and nature of the 
“ompetition from butters of foreign origin. 
In view of the seasonal variation in supply, the enquiry was 
undertaken in two parts, the First Survey being carried out in the 
late spring, and the Second Survey during the summer months. In 
this way it has been possible to secure a double picture of retail market 
conditions ; firstly, when supplies of New Zealand and Australian 
butters are relatively plentiful, and secondly, when the butter export 
season of the Irish Free State is at its height.

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