Full text: The Demand for Empire butter

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Comparing the results of the two Surveys, the number of shops 
stocking Irish butter had almost doubled at the second period, the 
number stocking New Zealand had dropped to four-fifths of the 
previous total, and the number stocking Australian to one-third. 
The resultant drop in the total numbers stocking New Zealand and 
Australian butters was somewhat greater than the increase in the 
numbers stocking Irish. The figures for farm butter and for bulk- 
blended and packeted butters were almost unchanged. Of the areas, 
Liverpool showed the greatest change and Yorkshire the least. 
4. Butter is imported into the United Kingdom through three main 
channels: Australian and New Zealand butters chiefly through 
London ; Irish butter through the ports on the West coast; and 
European butters, mostly from Denmark. through the ports on the 
East coast. 
The main markets for each type of butter tend to be grouped round 
the ports of entry. 
~ New Zealand butter was most frequently stocked in the South and, 
in the earlier months of the year, in Liverpool. In Yorkshire and 
Scotland it was moderately frequent in Non-Local Multiples, but 
rare in other shops. Australian butter was most popular in London 
and Birmingham. Like New Zealand butter. it was rarely stocked in 
the North and East. 
Irish butter, which was not available in quantity till June, found 
its main market in the West, though it was stocked by a fair number 
of shops in London. In South Wales, in the area served by Fishguard, 
it was by far the predominant type of butter in its season ; in Liverpool 
it held a position comparable with Danish, and in Glasgow it was 
second to Danish. Many of the retailers who stocked Irish butter 
stated that they change over to New Zealand or Australian in the 
winter months. 
Danish butter was the staple type in the North and East. In 
Liverpool and Birmingham it was about equal in popularity to 
Empire butters; in London, Bristol and South Wales it was 
much less commonly found. 
Home Farm butter was mostly retailed in th istri 
: try districts 
and was seldom brought into the population contres i Yoh 
: I 
enquiry was conducted. r es in which the 

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