Full text: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

MENT AND STILL IN Force ar tae Exp oF 1928—Continued 
Name of the river 
Concession granted to 
Status of undertaking 
Loehoek Parakoe (Sumatra'’s west 
Koerandji (Sumatra’s west coast) 
Asahan (Tapanoeli)_..______..—.- 
Aer Pasermnah (Palembang)... 
Koeritan (Sumatra’s west coast) - 
Aer Dingin (Benkoelen).. ....._. 
Aer Moesi (Benkoelen) . . ......... 
Aer Dekoe (Benkoelen). ____.__... 
Sinamar (Sumatra’s west coast)... 
Aer Lalangi and Aer Loesang 
Aer Loesang and Aer Gloemboek 
Batang DBangke and Batang 
Bangko Karoeh (Sumatra’s west 
Ack Siborgoeng (Tapanoeli)....... 
Mamasa (Celebos) nooo 
N. I. Portland Cement Mij_..__. 
[n operation since 1912. 
dO cei 
Asahan Exploration Co. .oocunan-- 
Pebat Goenoeng estate. __.._._._-. 
sequator Mining Co... 
joeban Ajam estate .____...___... 
Aer Simpang estate. ____...__.... 
Joeban Ajam estate... oo... 
Halaban estate_. o_o... 
Jimau Mining Coco... 
ood0o oe eewiio wore. In operation since 1915. 
Koerintji estate... ...._._..-.1 In operation since 1923. 
'n operation since 1921. 
Construction not begun. 
(n operation since 1926. 
Construction net begun, 
fn operation since 1927. 
Construction not begun. 
[0 operation since 1909. 
Jovernment. oo. aoceoooee- 
Jitrogen Svndicate._ cacao... 
Under construction. 
Construction not begun. 
The potential water-power resources of the territory are now placed 
at 6,600,000 horsepower and show an increase of 1,000,000 horse- 
power over estimates made several years ago, indicating that as 
further survey work is done by the Bureau of Water Power and 
Electricity, additional water-power resources will be located, par- 
ticularly in the Outer Possessions. The recent estimates place the 
resources as follows: Java 600,000 horsepower, Sumatra 2,000,000 
horsepower, Dutch Borneo 2,000,000 horsepower, Celebes 1,000,000 
horsepower, and the remaining islands another 1,000,000 horsepower. 
The actual potential water power that has been mapped for Java is 
783,588 horsepower, but apparently the Bureau of Water Power and 
Electricity considers that some of the sites are not accessible and 
accordingly has revised its estimates downward to 600,000 horse- 
power. Conversely, electrical engineers in Java are of the opinion 
that the Government has underestimated the water-power resources. 
In any case, the actual water power thet is available is more than 
sufficient to take care of the requirements of the country for many 
years to come. West Java has more available potential water power 
than the east and central portions of the island, 379,283 horsepower 
having been mapped there as compared with 137,578 horsepower 1n 
east Java and 120,435 horsepower in central Java. } 
The total of known potential water power in the Outer Possessions 
at the end of- 1928 was placed at 2,574,350 horsepower, of which 
1,400,000 had been mapped. The Bureau of Water Power and 
Electricity had, however, further surveyed 19 sites with a total 
potential power of 916,000 units, of which one site is reputed to have a 
capacity of 160,000 horsepower. Six concessions for 242,650 horse- 
power have been granted to private individuals for the development 
of the water-power resources of the Outer Possessions, but actually 
only 6,700 horsepower is being utilized by private concerns.

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