Full text: Peach culture in California

1930] Praca CurTurE IN CALIFORNIA 21 
Planting.—Usually the earlier the trees are planted in winter the 
better. Ordinarily they can not be obtained before December and 
perhaps not before January. If the trees have not opened their buds, 
planting may be done as late as April. Early planting, however, is to 
be preferred, unless unfavorable soil or weather conditions prevail. 
A planting board may be used to keep the trees in line. One form is 
a 1 x 4 inch board, 6 feet long, with notches or holes cut near each end 
and a notch cut in one side midway between the ends (fie. 2). The 
Fig. 2.—Planting trees by use of a planting board. 
center notch is placed against the stake where the tree is to be set and 
stakes are set in each of the end notches or holes. Then the planting 
board and center stake are removed and the hole is dug. The hole for 
the tree should be dug shortly before planting and should be suffi- 
ciently large to accommodate the root system. Digging the holes and 
planting the trees costs about $8.00 per acre under favorable soil and 
weather conditions. 
Experienced growers distribute only as many trees as can be 
planted before the roots dry out too much; keep the roots covered

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