Full text: Peach culture in California

1930] Peace CunTure IN CALIFORNIA 39 
and if found the galls should be chiseled off. The wounds should 
then be disinfected with a solution containing one ounce of mercuric 
chloride and one ounce of mercuric cyanide dissolved in four gallons 
of water. Then cover the wounds with a thick coating of Bordeaux 
paste. If the tree is badly affected it should be taken out. using fresh 
soil when replanting. 
Bacterial Gummosis, Bacterium cerasi Griffin.—This disease at- 
tacks buds, branches and trunks producing a copious, yellow to amber 
colored gum. The bacteria are probably transmitted on pruning tools 
and enter at the wounds, spreading in the conducting tissues of the 
tree, being active during cool, moist weather. If the disease has not 
progressed too far it may be checked by cutting out the gum pockets 
and scraping the cankers so as to remove the affected darkened tissues. 
Disinfect the wounds with a solution of one ounce of mercuric chloride 
and one ounce of mercuric cyanide dissolved in four gallons of water. 
For the bud and twig form it is suggested that the diseased parts be 
pruned out. No further recommendations are available but studies 
are being made for more accurate diagnosis of a number of forms of 
Brown Rot, Sclerotinia spp.—Brown rot is not often serious on 
peaches in California but may attack orchards in moist districts or 
near the coast. Oceasionally it attacks blossoms causing them to 
turn brown and wither. Spurs or twigs may become infected and 
exude small amounts of gum. Ripening fruit and packed fruit is 
attacked and rots, becoming covered with grayish spores. The 
fungus remains alive in the dead twigs and mummified fruits. Where 
this disease is prevalent, spray with Bordeaux mixture 5-5-50 or 
liquid lime-sulfur, 6 gallons to 100 gallons of water, or its equivalent 
with dry lime-sulfur at the ‘pink stage.” Pick off mummified fruits 
that are hanging to the tree and burn them. 
Leaf Curl, Taphrina deformans (Fel) Tul—This is a eommon 
peach disease but is easily prevented. Young leaves show a red 
ruffled distortion and become markedly curled before they finally drop. 
Twigs and fruit may also become blistered and deformed. If the 
weather is moist and cool, spores continue to germinate and produce 
infections throughout the spring months causing further injury by 
a loss of leaves. Spraying either in the fall or spring before the buds 
open will control this disease. Use Bordeaux mixture 5-5-50 or 
lime-sulfur, at the rate of 6 gallons to 100 gallons of water, any time 
after the leaves have dropped in the fall up to the time the fruit buds 
begin to open in the spring.

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