Full text: Peach culture in California

The subject of marketing is a complex one and an adequate diseus- 
sion of it is not within the scope of this publication.?” Because of the 
probable heavy production continued difficult marketing conditions 
may be expected for several years, unless the crop is abnormally 
reduced by frost or other unfavorable conditions. 
During the next few years when the profit from peach growing in 
many districts is likely to be uncertain,.growers should make every 
effort to economically produce and market high quality fruit. Peaches 
that are small in size, or of poor quality and condition, cannot be 
profitably marketed and tend to depress the price of high quality fruit. 
Proper cultural, handling, and marketing practices are especially 
important at this time (fie. 16). 
Fig. 16.—Properly packed boxes of peaches present an attractive appearance. 
{From California Aor. Exp. Sta. Cir. 241.) 
Fresh Peaches—Peaches are sold fresh in four ways: (1) at local 
sales; (2) to independent buyers; (3) to independent associations or 
distributors; and (4) to bona fide growers’ organizations. 
The larger proportion of California fresh peaches are marketed in 
the area west of Chicago and north of Omaha. In this area during 
August, 1925, Portland was the most important market, followed by 
Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Omaha, Milwaukee, Seattle, Spokane, 
and Denver. Other peach producing sections ship to these markets 
whenever the prices make it justifiable. The development of refrigera- 
tion and fast freight makes it possible for each of the main producing 
27 Wellman, H. R. Peaches. California Agr. Ext. Cir. 1:1-64. 1926.

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