Full text: Peach culture in California

Praca Cuurure iN CALIFORNIA 
The writers desire to express their appreciation of the helpful 
suggestions received from the following individuals: F. W. Anderson, 
Kirkman Nursery Company; J. P. Benson, Farm Advisor, and H. R. 
Keller, Assistant Farm Advisor, Fresno County; H. M. Butterfield, 
Division of Agricultural Extension, University of California; Frank 
A. Dizon, Canners’ League of California; A. A. Jungerman, Farm 
Advisor, Stanislaus County; F. W. Read, California Fruit Exchange; 
M. M. Winslow, Farm Advisor, Riverside County; R. D. MeCallum, 
Farm Advisor, Placer County; M. A. Rounds, Farm Advisor, Los 
Angeles County ; W. E. Gilfillan, Farm Advisor, Tulare County; R. H. 
Klamt, Farm Advisor, and E. F. Serr, Assistant Farm Advisor, Sutter 
County; N. I. Nielsen, Fruit Statistician, California State Depart- 
ment of Agriculture; W. C. Tesche, Pacific Rural Press, and George 
P. Weldon, Chaffey Junior College. 
17. Liver Fluke and Stomach Worm of 
19. Artificial Incubation of Eggs. 
20. Pear Blight Control in California. 
21. Bovine Tuberculosis. 
z2. Thinning Sugar Beets. 
23, Strawberry Culture in California. . 
24, Enterprise Efficiency Studies on Cali: 
fornia Farms. 
25. Bush Fruit Culture in California, 
26. The Home Vegetable Garden. 
29. Control of Pocket Gophers and Moles in 
30. Elements of Grape Growing in Cali 
%1. Powdery Mildew of the Grape and Its 
Control in California. 
32. What to Do About Bovine Tuberculosis. 
83. Rearing Dairy Heifers free from Tuber 
culosis and Abortion Disease. 
84. Plum Growing in California. 
85. Alfalfa Production. 
1. Beries on Califorina Crops and Prices: 
2, Home Preparation of Jelly and Marma- 
3. Feeding Beef Cattle in California. . 
4. Irrigation by Overhead Sprinkling. 
5. Series on California Crops and Prices: 
6. Care and Management of the Milk Goat. 
Fs Supgostions on Grapefruit Culture in 
mperial Valley. 
8. Diseases and Parasites of Poultry in 
9. Rabbit Raising. 
10. The Home Preparation of Fruit Candy. 
11. Cauliflower Production. 
13. The Manufacture of Monterey Cheese. 
14. Selection and Care of Electrical Equip- 
ment Used in Dairy Manufacturing. 
15. Pork Production in California. 
16. Irrigation of Orchards by Contour Fur 

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