Full text: Religion, colonising & trade

Arrican Company, 38 
American colonies, 3, 16, so, 
67, 73 
Australia, 75, 78 
Bacon, 18~21 
Bahamas, 37 
Baxter, Richard, 64 
Berkeley, Dean, 71 
Bermuda, 20 
Board of Trade and Plantations. 
Bolingbroke, Idea of a Patriot 
King, 59 
Bombay, 37, 43 
Boyle, Robert, 29, 64 
Bray, Dt. Thos., 56-57 
Britannia Languens, 40-41, 48 
Burke. Edmund, 73-74 
Casor, 6, 10 
Cabot, S,, 12 
Canada, 68, 78-79 
Carolinas, 37, 45-46 
Chaplains, 22, 62-64 
Chartered Companies, 12, 13, 15, 
27, 29, 55, 72 
Child, Sir Josiah, 50-53, 61-65 
New Discourse of Trade, so f. 
Christopher Carlile’ s Discourse, 10 
Clatendon, 29, 44 
Coke, Roger, Discourse of Trade, 
32, 40, 48, 52 
Colonies and Plantations, 7, 10, 
15 £., 20 f., 23, 25, 31, 37f, 
47f, 50 £, 60, 72-75, 78 
Companies, 18 
Company for Propagation of the 
Gospel, 28-29, 44, 64 
Coram, Thos., 69 
Gonsglh of Trade and Plantations, 
44 I. 
Cromwell, 16, 30-33 
Customs, 37, 72 
Danisu Missions, 64 
Davenant, Charles, On Public 
Revensies, 50, 52 
Davis, John, 11 
Decker, 72 
Doyle, The Englishin America, 14, 
44, 69 
Drake, 11 
Dutch, 32, 34, 39-43 
East India Company, 15, 22, 
42 f, 53, 61-65 
Eliot, John, 27 
Elizabethan voyagets, 3, 11 
Emigration, 31, 48, 50, 80 
Empire, 17, 32, 33, 35, 73, 78 
England in XVIth century, 4 
Evelyn, John, 47, 51, 53, 55 
FisuinG Trade, 34, 40 f. 
Fortrey, Samuel, England’s In- 
terest, 50 
Franklin, Benj., 72 
Free trade, 42, 44, $3, 6o #., 
71, 74» 77 
Frobisher, 7, 10, 11 
GARDINER, Dr. 25, 35 
Georgia, 16, 68—70 
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 10. 11, 
Passage by N.W. #0 Cathaia, 
Gladstone, 7, 33, 36-37, 47, 77 
Gold, 7 
Guadaloupe, 68 
Guiana, 16, 17

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