Report, 1897—continued.
Townend's Bank—continued.
total of 105/. from '1 on nend’s bunk at Birmingham, iri respect of which he paid 204/. 7s.,
and was liable for a fattier claim of 237/. 3s.; intervention of witness in this case,
Farrow 1016-1140 Instance of a loan by Tow ik nd’s Bank on a bill of sale, which was
renewed, showing the iaige accumulation tor interest in ihese cases, ib. 1040, 1041
Various towns in which Mr. Townend cairies on business under the name of a diffeient
bank in each place, ib. 1042-1045.
Travelling Expenses. Condition and limitation suggested as regards payment of travelling
expenses by borrowers, Farrow 1366' Receipt of 3,385/. by biddings in fees or
tiacelling expenses (in seven years), whilst the travelling expenses amounted to 6,194/. >
Samuel 1904-1906 Endeavour of witness to obtain railway fees as some check upon
irresponsible applicants, Kirkwood 5579-5581.-——See also Fees.
Undefended Actions. Course adopted by county couit judges wbh legat’d to undefended
actions ; judgment given lor payment of the money when the debt has been proved,
Owen 4502-4506.
Undergraduates. Explanations in connection with the cai-e of an Oxford undergraduate
(son of an English banker) who obtained loans from James Wilton of Piccadilly (agent
for Jonas Wolle of Leeds), bom H. V. long ol A dam-street (alias Walter Barclay),
and from Hanis of Waterlco-place; immense iat<s charged for interest, Farrow
787-808 Commission payments or fees in the foregoing case to Wheatley of Great
Russell-street, ib. 793-800.
Usury Laws. Views of witness with regaid to the al olition of the usury laws and the
real causes of such abolition, Judge Owen 4520-4528; Judge Smith 4679-4682.
Van Hoboken, —. Strong cornmi nts uj ( n the case of a debtor nan ed Van Hoboken, who
bt ought an action against witness for fraud in count ction with a bill of sale and obtained
500/. damages, Kirkwood 5005-50)8- Inability of witness to obtain from the Board
of Trade the papers in Van Hoboken’s bankruptcy case, ib. 5401-5405.
Warrants of Attorney. Paiticulars ipspecting the use made of warrants of attorney by
money lenders, and the extent ot al use on this scoie, these documents being revived in
order to frustrate the piovisions of the Bills of Sale Amendment Act, Farrow 394-424
Suggestion that warrants of attorney should be abolished altogether, ib. 398. 401.
417. 1363 Practice of Fieldings not to take warrants of attorney as security,
Samuel i 865-! 867.
Welch, Jane Edwards. Refeienceto the instructions as to seizure of goods in the case o
Jane Edwards Welch in 1895; action brought agaii si witness in this case, Kirkwood
Welsh Farmers. Fiequent failures of Welsh farmers through the very high rates at which
they have borrowed money, Smith 3585-3587.
Wilberforce, Wilfrid. Copy of advertisement in the name of “ Wilfrid Wilberforce, Esq.”
Farrow 34 Great difficulty in Wilberforce’s case in obtaining a wairant; comment
upon the action of the magistrate in dismissing the charges preferred by witness in this
case, ib. 244-255. See also Pocket, H. T.
Williams, David. Details with regard to the preliminary or inquiry fees charged by
David Williams, of York-road, London, to an intending borrower near Manchester;
correspondence in this case showing the reasons alleged by Williams (after he had
received the fees) for not making any advance, Farrow 217-233.
Wolfe, Jonas. Illustration of the exorbitant charges for interest upon a loan of 20/.
granted by an agent in London of Jonas Wolle of Leeds to a small tradesman in
Norfolk: actual payment by the borrower of 40/. 8s. in four months, Farrow 660-677.