Full text: Bonds and stocks

The Selection of a Bank with Suggestions to 
Bank Employees. Published State 
ment of Bank 
E VERY national bank is compelled by law 
to publish in a local paper at certain inter 
vals a statement of its conditions, and this 
also applied to a limited extent to most trust com 
panies and state banks. Whether or not, however, 
one sees the published statement in a newspaper, he 
can always obtain a printed statement from his 
bank. This statement usually appears in the form 
of a little leaflet or circular, which in addition to 
giving a condensed trial balance of the banks’ con 
dition, gives a list of the names of the officers and 
Although there are many suggestions as to the 
means of determining the strength of a bank, in 
order to select one in which to deposit, yet all of 
these methods practically resolve down to a study 
of this statement. The following is a statement 
of a small bank as published in its local paper and 
is a typical illustration. 
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . 
United States Bonds to secure circulation 
Securities, Bonds, etc 
-- — - -— 
Loans and Discounts 
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Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures 
- .luuoe, i uiunuio auu ruiiucs 
Duefrom State and Private Banks"and Bankers, 
Trust Companies and Savings Banks . 

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