Full text: Bonds and stocks

Accounts: with banks, 11, 17. 
“Accrued” or “and interest,” 
64, 297. 
Advertisements: misleading, 
130, 141. 
Area Theory, 404. 
Assessed valuation: compared 
to actual value, 260. 
Assumed bonds, 110. 
Bonds: advantages and dis 
advantages, 113; assumed, 
110; callable or optional, 
73; classes of, 96, 155; col 
lateral trust, 109; converti 
ble, 104, 148; coupons, 57; 
debenture, 109; defaulted, 
285, 291; definition of, 97, 
127; effect of gold produc 
tion, 357; equipment, 105, 
155; exchange of, 278; ex 
tended, 104; guaranteed, 
78, 110; interest on, 64; 
joint, 111; land grant, 105; 
listing of, 117; mortgage, 
99; municipal, 252; prin 
cipal of, 53; prior lien, 102, 
155; public utility, 207, 
216; railroad, 145; rates of 
commission on, 118, 123; 
refunding, 106, 151; serial, 
71; sinking fund, 71; spe 
cial assessment, 269; tele 
phone, 231; terminal, 105. 
Book value, 27. 
Callable bonds, 73. 
Certificate of deposit, 295. 
Coal: supply of, 235. 
Collateral trust bonds, 109. 
Commercial paper, 79. 
Commission: rates of, 118, 
Consolidated bonds, 100,156. 
Convertible bonds, 104, 148, 
Conversion privilege, 148. 
Copper mines: Butte group, 
314; classes of, 308; de 
velopment of, 310; divi 
dends of, 308; Lake group, 
313; Porphyry group, 315; 
prospects of, 311; securities 
of, 319; stocks of, 306, 329. 
Corporations: classes of, 85, 
Cost of living: affected by 
gold production, 355. 
Coupons of bonds, 57. 
Credit: with banks, 13, 80. 
Debenture bonds, 109, 156. 
Defaulted bonds: advantages 
and disadvantages of, 302; 
exchange of, 285; purpose 
of, 291. 
Distribution of risk: theory 
of, 86, 93. 
Dividends: on stock, 58, 68, 
130, 308, 328. 
Edison, Thomas A.: on effect 
of gold production, 368. 

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