Full text: Bonds and stocks

Electric lighting companies: 
advantages and disadvan 
tages of, 214; earnings and 
management, 213; fran 
chises, 211; securities of, 
Electric railways: earnings 
and management, 196; 
earnings of Massachusetts 
companies, 200; franchises, 
189; securities of, 187, 199. 
Equipment: bonds, 105, 155; 
maintenance, 158. 
Equity of bonds, 155. 
Escrow: definition of, 78. 
Exchange of securities, 278. 
Extended bonds, 104. 
Factor of safety, 151, 185, 
Fixed charges, 154, 170. 
Flat price, 66. 
Foreign: banks, 31; exchange, 
■338; investors, 31, 137. 
Frauds, 130, 141, 275, 320. 
Franchise, 189, 211, 224, 228. 
Fundamental conditions, 404. 
Gas companies: advantages 
and disadvantages of, 214; 
bonds of, 207; earnings and 
management, 213; fran 
chises of, 211; securities, 
General mortgage bonds, 101, 
Gold: production, 352; se 
curities, 328; theory, 353. 
Guaranteed bonds, 78, 110. 
Horse power: method of fig 
uring, 246. 
Improvement bonds, 263, 
Interest: bond, 64; effect of 
gold production, 357; rates, 
Investments: advice on, 15, 
31, 375; classes of, 85, 376; 
diversification of, 86, 93; 
exchange of, 275; prices of, 
335; sources of information, 
Investors: advice to, 130, 
397; classes of, 40; instruc 
tions for, 387; vocabulary 
of, 52. 
Joint bonds, 111. 
Land grant bonds, 105. 
Lighting companies: advan 
tages and disadvantages of, 
90, 206, 214; earnings and 
management, 213; fran-' 
chises, 211; securities, 204. 
Listing: advantages and dis 
advantages of, 120; method 
of, 117. 
Margin: purchases on, 45. 
Margin of safety, 25, 174. 
Mining securities: 320; ad 
vantages and disadvan 
tages, 323, 329; copper, 
306; gold and silver, 328.

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