Full text: Bonds and stocks

Money rates, 335. 
Mortgage: bonds, 99; title of, 
Municipal securities: advan 
tages and disadvantages 
of, 259; definition of, 250; 
laws concerning, 257, 265; 
purpose of, 252; sale of, 
254; selection of, 271; spe 
cial assessment, 269. 
Optional bonds, 73. • 
Prior lien bonds, 102, 155. 
Promoters, 319, 376. 
Public utilities, advantages 
and disadvantages of, 90, 
214, 244; earnings and 
management, 196, 213; 
franchises, 189, 211; se 
curities, 187, 199, 204, 231, 
Railroad: bonds, 145; earn 
ings of Massachusetts com 
panies, 200; general ex 
penses, 162; grouping of, 
179; income, 157; mainte 
nance, 164; operating ex 
penses, 160; report, 152, 
157, 186; stocks, 94, 172. 
Receivables, 80. 
Receiver’s certificates, 155, 
Refunding bonds, 106, 151, 
Registration of securities, 61. | 
Reorganization, 112,123,136, 
Securities: classes of, 44, 85, 
383; electric railway, 187, 
199; exchange of, 268; 
listed, 116; mining, 306, 
319; municipal, 250; rail 
road, 145, 172; sources of 
information concerning, 
138, 376, 387; telephone, 
217, 224; waterpower, 235; 
yield of, 67. 
Serial bonds, 71. 
Sinking funds, 71. 
Silver mines: securities of, 
Special assessment bonds, 
Stocks: certificates, 58; cop 
per, 306, 329; definition of, 
127; effect of gold produc 
tion, 357; exchange of, 
276; listing, 128; list rec 
ommended, 94; mining, 
320; movement, 395; rate 
of income, 68; registration 
of, 61. 
Stock exchange: rules con 
cerning, 138. 
Street railways: earnings and 
management, 196; earnings 
of Massachusetts compa 
nies, 200; franchises, 189; 
securities of, 187, 199. 
Swindles, 130, 141, 275, 320.

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