Full text: Economic Determinism or the economic interpretation of history

M AN owed his ability to develop from a mere 
animal into a human being to several physical 
causes, one of which was his ability to stand erect, 
to run on two feet and to use his hands, or fore-feet 
to throw stones and to wield sticks. Another and 
perhaps greater advantage was in the construction 
of his throat. For while the other higher animals 
have throats with which they can make certain in 
articulate sounds or cries expressing emotions of fear 
or anger or sociability, man has a throat with which 
he can make an unlimited number of articulations 
with which to express his thoughts. 
His first home was the forest. 1 Here he found 
fruits and roots and nuts for his food, and trees 
and caves for shelter. There were no classes and 
no masses in those days, for all had the same needs 
for food, shelter and defense. 2 The earth’s surface 
and the rocks show that glacial periods came on, 
and changed the climate so that the food supply of 
the forests was destroyed. Then the folk had to 
1 Charles Darwin; Descent of Man, pp. 47, 48. (Revised edition, Merrill 
and Baker.) 
2 Morgan; Ancient Society, pp. 8, 31.

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