Full text: The abolition of destitution and unemployment

they needed until they had something like an equality of pur 
chasing power throughout the community. 
The amendment was lost, as was also a further amend 
ment moved by E. Friend (Yellum Binders’ Society). 
J. Eels (Vacant Lands Cultivation Society) moved and 
F. Verinder seconded an amendment advocating the taxation 
of Land Values “and the relief of industry from all rates 
and taxes.” 
The amendment was lost. 
The original resolution, with the additions that had been 
accepted, was then put to the Conference and carried with two 
dissentients, as follows :— 
“That this Conference declares that Unemployment 
(with its evil variant under-employment) is a chronic dis 
ease of society; that the Government should at once take 
steps, as far as practicable, to prevent this grave social 
disease; that it should, by the creation of a Ministry of 
Labour, granting such facilities as are necessary for the 
Immediate passing of a Right to Work Bill, and also by 
systematically rearranging the Government works and 
orders, and by dovetailing occupations and jobs, and by 
the legislative restriction of the hours of labour, regular 
ise the national aggregate demand for labour year by year 
and season by season, and decasualise casual labour, and 
that where the National Labour Exchange fails to dis 
cover a situation for any person maintenance should be 
provided for him or her and his or her children under 
suitable educational and other conditions calculated to 
utilise the periods of involuntary unemployment in such 
a way as to prevent deterioration.” 
On the motion of George Lansbury, it was agreed 
that the Labour Party should be asked, through their chair 
man, George N. Barnes, M.P., to present the two resolutions 
passed by the Conference to the Prime Minister and the Leader 
of the Opposition. 
On the motion of G. N. Barnes, M.P., a vote of thanks 
to the Chairman was carried with acclamation, to which Mr. 
Hobson briefly responded, and the proceedings then ter 

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