Full text: The report of the Minister of Finance to the Counsel of Ministers on the situation of Roumania created by the reparation and interallied debts policy

and the first four months of 1921, the equivalent of 20 milliards of marks, gold, 
in gold, goods, ships, stock or othervise [Article 235). 
Germany’s economical resources are directly destined lor reparations, 
under article 236. , 
Article 237 has a great importance for the reparation question, as it dis 
poses in.express and categorical terms, that the succesive payments, — inclu 
ding those mentioned in the preceding articles — destined by Germany, 
should be distributed by the allied and associated Governments in certain pro 
portions, determined by them before hand, on a basis of equity ani os each 
one's rights. 
By articles 238 and 239 is provided specially the obligation for Germany 
to return immediately, after the form determined by the Commission of repa 
rations, the cattle, all kinds of articles, of valuables, carried awav from the 
invaded territories, when they can be identified on German territory, or on that 
of her allies. 
Articles 244 with its annex No. VII provides, as regards Boumania the 
cession, on the part of Germany of all the rights, privileges and titles of any 
kind, she had in the Constanfa-Constantinople cable line. 
Article 259, paragraph VI (financial clauses, has a great importance for 
Roumania, as it states that Germany confirms having renounced the benefits 
of all the stipulations inserted in the treaties of Bucarest and of Brest-Litowsk, 
and the additional treaties, as is specially mentioned in article XV of the ar 
mistice of November 11 lh 1918. 
»She undertakes to transfer respectively either to Roumania, or to the 
-principal allied and associated powers, all the monetary instruments, specie, 
»securities and negociable instruments, as well as products which she had re- 
’ceived in virtue of those treaties--. 
On this article is founded Roumania’s right of asking Germany to give back 
to her all supplies and prestations which she delivered on the anticipated enfor 
cement of the Treaty of Bucarest, including the integral security for the Ban ca 
Generala notes, which the Germans issued in the invaded territories of Roumania. 
she Treaty of Versailles also contains clauses, for getting back, through 
the intervention of the Commission of Reparations, all property, rights and 
interests which German subjects might have, indertakings of public interest in 
territories beyond the frontiers of Germany, or of the allied and associated 
Powers. (Article 260). 
We will examine this article in all its details in the respective chapter, 
because the Roumanian point of view founded on the text of this article is, that 
the property rights and interests belonging to German subjects on the territory 
of the freed provinces, must be liquidated in favor of the allied State which 
o'\ ns them, for in this matter article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles, must be 
applied, and not article 260. 
Article 296 concerns the question of debts between German dependents, and 
those of the allied Powers, and the manner of liquidating them, and article 297

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