Full text: The immigration problem

to say that it has materially heightened the gross evils 
of prostitution. Unnatural practises are brought 
largely from continental Europe; the fiendish work of 
the procurers and pimps is largely done by aliens or 
immigrants; diseases are spread more widely among 
guilty and innocent; even the ancient vice of the use 
of men and boys for immoral purposes is coming from 
Fortunately, the investigation of the Commission 
aroused the public to action. Their report has been 
followed by others made by private Commissions, espe 
cially in Chicago, Minneapolis and New York. Ihe 
governments and courts seem now to be doing really 
e ffective work. 
The war did much to arouse and to educate public 
opinion along these lines. The Federal Government 
as part of its war program developed a very effective 
organization to deal with this problem in order to 
prevent social diseases among the four million men 
called to the colors. Remarkable work was done in 
eradicating the most vicious phases of prostitution 
an d a vast amount of educational work among both 
ruen and women was carried on. Since the war this 
has been continued by the Public Health Service of 
the Government. To maintain such an advance will 
he a most difficult matter. Immigration is one of the 
many important factors affecting such a situation. 
legislation and administration 
Under the recommendation of the Commission new 
Q aws have been passed by Congress, and in a number 
°ur States much more stringent laws have been 
P as sed since the report of the Immigration Commission, 
s ° that at the present time, with a reasonable degree

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