Full text: The immigration problem

The Extent to Which Immigrant Colonies Exist 
The wide-spread existence of immigrant industrial 
communities or colonies in the United States at the 
present time may be realized, when it is stated that in 
the territory east of the Mississippi and north of the 
Ohio and Potomac Rivers there is no town or city of 
industrial importance which does not have its immi 
grant colony or section composed of Slavs, Magyars, 
North and South Italians, or members of other races 
of recent immigration from southern and eastern 
Europe. In the South and Southwest, because of the 
large areas devoted almost exclusively to agriculture, 
the immigrant community is less frequently met with 
than in the Middle West or East. In the bituminous 
coal mining territories of West Virginia, Virginia, 
Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, immigrant colo 
nies in large numbers have been developed in the 
same way as those in the coal mining regions of 
Pennsylvania. Eastern Europeans have also attached 
themselves to the iron and steel producing com 
munities of the Birmingham District in Alabama; 
and a large Italian colony, as is well known, exists 
in New Orleans, a considerable number of whose 
members are employed in the cotton-mills of the city 
and in the manufacture of cigars and cigarets. 
South Italians, Cubans and Spaniards have entered 
the cigar manufacturing establishments of Tampa and

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