Full text: The immigration problem

banker with the State banking department of cash or 
securities to the amount of $25,000, or of a bond in 
the penal sum of $25,000; (d) the filing of quarterly 
and special reports; (e) periodical examination by the 
banking department of bankers who file a bond in 
lieu of making a deposit of cash or securities; (/) 
regulation by the banking department of the charac 
ter of investments; (g) provision that all money re 
ceived for transmission should be forwarded within 
five days from its receipt; (h) the shifting of the 
burden of proof of transmission upon the banker; (i) 
regulation of the use of the word “bank” and equiva 
lent terms. 
The Immigrant Press 
The races of older immigration from Great Britain 
and northern Europe are served by a well-established 
daily and weekly press. In many communities there 
are also published in a foreign language immigrant 
newspapers, usually issued weekly, which appeal for 
support to a certain race or races of recent immigra 
tion. The majority have a circulation outside of the 
towns or cities in which they are issued, but there are 
no national publications which are recognized as the 
exponents of, or which are printed in the interests of, 
various races which have come to the United States 
within recent years. 
The immigrant press is published by one of three 
classes of interests: (x) Racial organizations in the 
United States; (2) church organizations, and (3) 
business interests, consisting chiefly of steamship 
agencies and banking and mercantile establishments. 
The foreign language press in the United States 
has been growing rapidly. At the present time over

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