Full text: The immigration problem

of the special reports of its experts. The writers are 
not advocates, but interpreters of facts. They are 
not members of any league for the restriction of 
immigrants or for the encouragement of a more lib 
eral policy toward immigration. Until about the time 
the investigation was completed, they had not formu 
lated in their own minds any definite policy which 
they believed the Government should follow. Such 
opinions as they have exprest in this volume are the 
result of careful deliberation following study of the 
facts gathered by the Commission. 
If any person is inclined to differ from the judg 
ments in this volume, it is suggested that he examine 
carefully the data in an unprejudiced spirit before he 
condemns the conclusions. The attempt has been 
made to furnish in either the text or the appendices 
enough material to enable the reader to form an in 
dependent opinion. But, if the material presented 
seems insufficient, the reader is referred to the de 
tailed reports of the Immigration Commission, where 
the original material is presented in such form that a 
careful student may reach an independent judgment. 
On a question of so profound importance to the wel 
fare of the country it is hoped that many citizens will 
attempt through careful study to reach a sound con 
The authors wish to acknowledge their indebted 
ness to Miss Elizabeth A. Hyde for her editorial sug 
gestions and her assistance in reading proofs. 
J- W. J. 
W. J. L. 
December, 1911.

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