Full text: The immigration problem

the latter a little more markedly than the former, so that 
there is also a decrease of the cephalic index. The width of 
the face decreases very materially. 
The Hebrews show changes peculiar to themselves. Stat 
ure and weight increase; length of the head shows a marked 
increase, and the width of the head decreases, so that the ce 
phalic index decreases materially; the width of the face also 
Sicilians and Neapolitans, representing the Mediterranean 
type of Europe, form another group which shows distinctive 
changes. These are less pronounced among the Neapolitans 
than among the Sicilians, who are also purer representatives 
of the Mediterranean type, notwithstanding the many mix 
tures of races that have occurred in Sicily and the adjoining 
parts of Italy. The stature of the Sicilians born in America 
is less than that of the foreign-born. This loss is not so 
marked among the Neapolitans. In both groups the length 
of the head decreases, the width of the head increases, and 
the width of the face decreases. 
It should be observed that all these studies were 
made in the vicinity of the city of New York and 
that, in consequence, the results could hardly be 
spoken of as general. While the children of Hebrews 
that in Russia had been city dwellers increase in 
stature and weight in this country, as might be sup 
posed from the more favorable food, the children of 
Sicilians, who in their own country had been country 
dwellers, seem to lessen in stature, probably because 
they have become city dwellers here. But the im 
portant fact to be kept in mind is that whatever the 
cause may be, and whether the change in type is for 
the better or worse, the influence of the new environ 
ment is very marked indeed, and we may therefore 
expect that the degree and ease of assimilation has 
probably been somewhat greater than has been hereto 
fore assumed.

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