Full text: The immigration problem

Health and the Community,” gives some very inter 
esting statistics regarding the tendencies of various 
races to particular diseases and physical fitness. These 
statistics are extremely significant and indicate that 
certain races are possibly not well adapted to American 
life. They also support the argument made by many 
students of immigration* that more attention should be 
given to the problem of selection by race. He 
says that “probably the most far-reaching investiga 
tion which has compared the physical fitness of the 
native and foreign born is that made by the War De 
partment in selecting drafted men for the army. The 
large numbers involved make the results reliable.” To 
understand the statistics which are here cited it is nec 
essary to know the definitions which the War Depart 
ment gave to Groups A and D among the men 
Group A was composed of men who are vigorous and 
without any physical defect which might interfere with 
the full performance of military duties. Group D con 
tained those found to have conditions which unfitted them 
for military service. This last group was made up in large 
part of those unfit also for most civilian occupations. 
Later in the reportf it is stated that: 
For the purpose of comparing the physical qualifications 
of natives and aliens, a comparison was made of the re 
jections in local boards composed dominantly of natives 
and aliens, respectively. Some 85,000 examinations were 
assembled from local boards in dominant alien wards of the 
cities of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, Mil 
waukee and Cincinnati, representing a registration of 300,- 
000. Then some 100,000 examinations were similarly as 
sembled from other than city boards in the States of Indiana, 
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Ohio, representing also a regis 
tration of 300,000. The results were as follows: 
* Second Report of the Provost Marshal General to the Secretary of War 
on the Operations of the Selective Service System to December 20, 1918, 
pp. 152-153. 
t Ibid,, pp. 160-161.

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