Full text: Report of the banquet and luncheon given in honour of the representatives of the Dominions, India and the Crown Colonies attending the Imperial Economic Conference, London, Wednesday, 24th October, 1923

free of Customs Duties, but what happens to you when you 
send your commodities and manufactured goods to those 
countries? Do they allow them to go in free? Not 
much. (Laughter and cheers.) They charge you up to 
the hilt in the way of Customs Duties, and yet you 
are soft enough to call that Free Trade. (Laughter and 
cheers.) It is not fair trade. (Cheers.) You are intelli- 
gent people, and I ask you to think that out in the interests 
of Britain itself, because I know perfectly well that any- 
thing that affects the heart of the Empire affects all the 
Overseas Dominions as well. Think it out not only in the 
interests of the heart of the Empire but of the Empire as 
a whole. 1 love Great Britain and the Empire with all my 
heart, and [ do want to see a policy which will develop the 
Empire. We have not yet got on the right track. I know 
the difficulties perfectly well. I know this cannot be done at 
the moment. I simply ask you to think it out so that when 
the time comes some effective steps may be taken to develop 
the great Empire to which we belong, which is capable of 
more development than any other Empire the world has ever 
seen. (Cheers.) We have all read of the great Empires of 
the past that have risen, flourished and decayed. The Empire 
of Britain has risen and flourished and is flourishing still, and 
it is not going to decay if you people do your duty. I do not 
say that you are decaying in the United Kingdom, because 
I do not believe that is so, but I ask you to remember that the 
young nations of the Empire are yet in the heydey of their 
youth. They are capable of great development; they are 
increasing every year in wealth, population and influence, 
and as time goes on the Empire to which we are proud to 
belong will be greater and greater still. Do not forget the 
old saying: * United we stand, divided we fall.” (Cheers.) 
Do not let us be disunited. I do not think that is at all 
likely. 1 ask you citizens of London and of Great Britain 
to endeavour to be united so far as trade and commerce are 
concerned, and endeavour to see that each part of the Empire 
will help the other part, and if we do that there is nothing but 
prosperity in front of us. (Loud and prolonged applause.) 
Senator the Hon. R.- V. WiLsoN (Hon. Minister in 
charge of Departments of Health and Migration, Australia) 
in proposing the Toast of The Association of British Chambers 
of Commerce, said he had not travelled twelve thousand 
miles without realising the very important and active part 

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