Full text: Report of the banquet and luncheon given in honour of the representatives of the Dominions, India and the Crown Colonies attending the Imperial Economic Conference, London, Wednesday, 24th October, 1923

prospect of international agreement in regard to bills of lading 
on this basis which would be of benefit to every part of the 
Empire, considers that these Rules can be recommended for 
adoption by the Governments and Parliaments of the Empire. 
Air Navigation. 
It was decided to adopt the following resolutions : 
(1), That the British Government should circulate to the 
Dominions and India a statement showing the present antici- 
pated operational performances of rigid airships and in the 
future should circulate regularly up-to-date information of the 
progress of the Burney airship proposals in order that con- 
sideration of Empire participation in these or future airship 
proposals might be facilitated. 
(2) That the British Government should prepare a draft 
procedure designed on a reciprocal basis to secure rapid and 
more extensive interchange of information in regard to civil 
aeronautics and should submit this for the consideration of the 
other Governments of the Empire with a view to general 
(3) That having regard to post-war developments, any 
British oversea countries which have no up-to-date experience 
of air photography and contemplate the use of air survey, 
would be well advised, whenever possible, to consult other 
Empire Governments having such experience before accepting 
estimates or schemes providing for its use. 
(iii.) Cables and Wireless. 
It was agreed that the following resolutions be adopted : 
(a) That this Imperial Economic Conference affirms the 
importance of establishing as quickly as possible an efficient 
Imperial Service of Wireless Communication, and is of opinion 
that the several Governments of the Empire should take imme. 
diate action to remove any difficulties which are now delaying 
the accomplishment of this, while providing adequate safeguards 
against the subordination of public to private interests. 
(b) That representatives of the Dominions and India 
should be associated in the work of the Imperial Communica- 
tions Committee when questions of interest to them are under 
(c) That in view of the fact that the Dominions interested 
in the Pacific Cable have for a long time pressed for the 
provision of a State-owned connecting link across the Atlantic, 
all possible support should be given by the Governments of the 
Empire to the State-owned Atlantic cable route which has now 
been provided. 
(@) That in any concessions given in the British Empire to 
private enterprise in respect of cable or wireless services 
(including broadcasting stations), preference should be accorded 
to British Companies of any part of the Empire, 

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