Full text: Report of the banquet and luncheon given in honour of the representatives of the Dominions, India and the Crown Colonies attending the Imperial Economic Conference, London, Wednesday, 24th October, 1923

REesorvtiOoN II, 
had no claim to compensation owing to the 
the Empire being restricted, in its appl 
accidents occurring within territorial w 
law of that part of 
ication to seamen, to 
within such part of the Empire wherev 
the accident takes place. And furthermore the Conference 
invites the Government of any British Colony or Protectorate 
where there is a register of shipping but, where legislation 
giving compensation rights to seamen does not at present exist, 
to consider the adoption of such legislation, 
er the ship may be when 
those countries and their dependants, invites ea 
of the Empire, regard being had to its own particular conditions, 
to consider the possibility of adopting in workmen’s compensa- 
tion legislation, the principle of reciprocity, that is, that the 
benefits of such legislation should be accord j 
The Conference notes in adopting the foregoing resolutions 
that, in certain of the Dominions, Workmen’s Compensation 
falls wholly or partially within Provincial or State jurisdiction 
and is in those cases and to that extent outside the control of 
the Dominion Government 
It was decided to adopt the following resolution : 
That in the opinion of this Im 
perial Economic Conference 
(Canada dissenting)— 
(1) It is desirable to establish an Im 
Committee, comprising representatives of 
represented in the Imperial Conference, a 
those Governments, 
(2) The function of the Committee shor 
and advise upon any matters of an 
character, not being matters appro 
the Imperial Shipping Committee, 
by any of the constituent Govern 
perial Economic 
the Governments 
nd responsible to 
1ld be to consider 
economic or commercial 
priate to be dealt with by 
which are referred to it 
ments, provided that no 

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