Full text: The women's muslin-underwear industry

i Group I.—Establishments in New York City having net sales of less than $100,000. 
tomy, _ _ 
All Jad No.2. | No.3. | No.4. | No.5. | No.6. | No.7. | No.8. | No. 9. | No.10. | No.1. No.12. | No.13. | No.14. 
er Ep | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 
: =-—-——— rt b= a 
Baw material... ieee dein ces esate nna 61.77 43.42 | 62.94 | 59.08 | 51.77 | 57.57 | 54.32 | 71.49 | 64.51 | 65.02 | 64.57 ' 44.19 | 58.73 | 83.53 64.77 2 
purest iver: i ; 
BOR, etiats sss ss mes maes sensi annes enti 17,0901 28. 711018. 941 18, OF 28.84 | 11.24 75 . 60 . 5 1 5. 
Paid toconiractors. ..  . ices carne aie .24 (BA BUHL BN BM unl EE nx aay Soi 2 id 1 wm 
POA). aeennnnnnssnennsennnnanmannnannnen-B 17.33 1 23.00] 18.24 | 18.05 | 28.84 11.28 17.75 14.60 16.93 | 22.35 15.32) 10.5¢ | 14.36 | 8.47] 20.53 Es 
mar | 
jesofoffioials.......... cc iii ede 1.52 3.44 .33 .80 .88 2.24 1.87 1.98 NAY a ee a 2.18 2.39 2.17 i 
AFORE. . cen oncnn ram nniasnnamn rare SE 2.06 0 00 Sa. 01 0 1.60 2.75] 2.13fio.8al........| 1.230 3.98 el 4.95 | 1.20 19 Ly 
I ro She, (0 EO SRT TR EE Be RE I Ta 155 
Bectory Spent 
BE seen Ba Lr RY 00 HT TR 2 Br ams tole] 1.060 1.03] “257 3.300 1.00 .6 
Bower fend, Tighe 20 .70 .64 .64 .68 54 5 .62 .67 -86 .49 70 a % 2 
BODIE: hr + seams ans ion 55 | of aR J aon en longi ten fie Doda ceaall oS be Rp LLRs .05 
Depreciation. ........coouooeniiiiiiiaa .45 .52 .48 .29 .34 .62 .59 25 .21 .54 .66 .62 .54 .31 31 
Pie ISIrANee. «asin rrer in senee eran a ens .32 +53 .24 .18 .16 .26 .70 .14 .33 .45 .15 .89 .32 .08 19 
OTHor Factory SXDRNSs. ena 48 oon 27 BR. TL AE EE 36 i. 08 .02 .43 SE 34 
RO]. ee =m = === = = = niee women samen suinnen 4.10 | 5.46 4.82 3.49 4.18 | 4.26 6.60 2.39° 3.22 5.48 5.39 4.07 5.69 2.27 1.90 
Administrative expense: a a 
alaries of 0 Gal. LL UL I SD 1.24 3.07 .65 .80 .88 .45 1.87 .56 2.02 1. ois 1 
EE IANIES GLOGS f0FCo sv nC OE an oS ie 1.08 14 Ponty se ll Ln u 196 2.15 % 22 Lo 2 
Bent, goneral OOo. cvavs rr wma oirsereins SN 03 12. RE" 5% .24 .19 al 7 .28 34 17 35 Ep 21 
DICE ORPONBe. . c=. ce mses cs rrnsstrsnnsnransnend .31 1.02 .25 .68 .31 .19 .41 .09 .24 .44 .19 .56 .28 .18 12 
[OSGIATICe, BXCRDEITE. zane vena nonaernanons ROO. . oo) oo E10 .04 oe. nl le .05 .03 78 103 
Cae ee et 25 oll eli 6s eh PERE alee gh ! 
i 4 af LA 1.48 .81 .21 ET es LL Bi es 
AXES. . esnssznrrnnsnnseanssnsnssnsansnnennnns v ah wa re nl [le wwtmale Bn ww ER se or int he ore CR ea dha fe 8 fn we 3 ’ 
ther aAMINISTATVE GXPEISeS. «.. -. on -nnennns| fla... .59 5621... n es .07 .88 .14 .83 SOM PRR ER 0 Ea 
Poll. sean. se--- ~rozsss seers nnn cerernunvvera 3.17 | 4.61 1.86 4.17 4.17 2.70 4.14 1.28 3.43 4.12 .90 5.69 3.41 2.91 1.99 
Bening SE als | 
aries of O ells. es a eae 2.12 2.21 252 3.22 59 | 1.79 1.87 1.13 2.70 2.34 1.77 2.18 .02 1.41 
EY pager gan) 2.54 6.53 .82 3.93 1.69 3.06 3.01 1.58 2.23 1.52 2.06 3.51 So Ji 208 
Wamos en |W T2 [108 [oeovene] 128.2 CONETRLA0 1B [ac ene, se .66 JE 020 .05 .43 
Rent, show and shpping Toms. ro | A tras 37 .64 74 1.05 .18 .28 .34 .34 .67 .53 .60 .28 31 
PHO INSuranes.......... 0. odceeeesmnonsnsaress .08 .09 .08 «11 .09 12 .07 .08 Aaa eee OF Jivani eolevneenns . 11 .21 
Packing cases, 0lC. i. .-.caecentatian cca nans) ec ae .03 .19 .27 .18 .04 .03 +38 |aevrenza|reneenys 12 .10 
Cartage, freight, outward. ........coeeuunuunnnns .19 fi. Vest .12 .12 .31 .04 206: {ean .23 .38 13 47 13 .19 
Advertising... co. ae avian OE... .08 .33 a. 203 eeeeneaelaaaea .07 O04 [ice ennlensndrvslensmesesierenenye 
Dither selling 6XPONS6S... oa". ores ins nainn BEN in BY eon 82 less .82 SO... 3. x otters .10 
Polal... veersenenn=r aire eh 6.48 17.41 5.86 | 9.63 | 5.86 8.01 7.58 3.31 6.91 6.11 6.07 7.37 | 10.03 2.10 3.84 
Total manufacturing and selling............. "96.43 100.15 | 98.26 | 97.72 | 98.45 | 88.15 | 95.15 | 95.05 | 97.70 | 106.89 95.52 | 87.99 95.81 | 101.64 94.60 
Cost of goods purchased... ...........covueavaansasns OB i er EB. BO fended saa fens sa Bl svn wn sm nwn salen c nana lane pen apap nn oo 
Deduct increase in stock of goods. ~~~" _._....| ra eee sa a eal 8, BRIT. 16 -52 
Add decrease in stock Of g00dS. . -.-uvunueunnnnnnnnfiaa online BB eee nant. LB 2.22 TL. 2.79 4.89 hvenedonlonann i ose cars 3 
GOSH OT FO0ORE0NE or anes sess vss nnsnrasvasssinsamn 96.18 | 93.97 | 98.94 | 96.64 94.04 | 95.20 | 96.99 | 97.27 | 98.41 | 106.66 | 98.31 | 92.58 | 90.49 94.48 94.08 
—_— ee ee 2, 
Manufacturing profif.........cooneicneceaaanoannn 3.82 6.03 1.06 3.36 5.96 4.80 3.01 2.73 1.59 | 16.66 1.69 7.42 9.51 5.52 5.92 3 
Witeslianeons income (add to profit; deduct from ! 
EE nie en fermen ees fs fee cafe ea nae na fo mse fe sta swan snr s vs [ne ata sense sus ra eage ne 
Interest po on current loans (deduct from profit; 
ROONEY. feos Lal .64 05 14 44 waZd ete Ee el] 2 02 f..eln 
TIAL PIONE Loo enes mes trons rr imsyrrrinins ill Bo2 | 53D | 1.00| 3.22 552| 4.38| 3.01| 273| 1.59| 17.96] 1.69| 7.42| 8.27| 550] 5.92 i 
1 Loss. . 

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