In the investigation of the cost of production of women’s muslin
underwear, reports were received from 65 establishments located in
9 States. Some of these establishments were large and some small,
but all were fairly representative of the industry. Their aggregate
sales during their last business period, usually one year, amounted to
The concrete results of the investigation appear in the summary of
this report, while the detailed information is given in the various
The general conduct of the field work of the investigation has been
under the direction of Walter B. Palmer, special agent of the Bureau
of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. In the field work and in the
preparation of the report he was assisted by Special Agents David M.
Barclay, Joseph Broido, Edward S. Fawcett, Harry Gell, J. Knight
Rector, and Stanley D. Winderman. The general direction of the
office work and the editing of the report has been in charge of Gustavus
A. Weber, expert in charge of the cost of production division, assisted
by Henry J. Bierman.
E. E. Pratr,
Chief of Bureau.
To Hon. WirLiam C. REDFIELD,
Secretary of Commerce.