Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

Located at Iroquois Falls (T. & N.O. Ry.) further north than Porcupine, Kirkland Lake, Cobalt and Rouyn. The gardens and lawns show 
how attractive living conditions can be made throughout the Northern Mining Districts. Abitibi Mills are the largest pulp and paper mills in the 
world under one roof, producing a daily output of 550 tons and shipping 22 cars of paper per day. Pulpwood purchased from settlers by 
Abitibi Mills, Mattagami Mills and the new 550 ton Kapuskasing Mills (under construction) will total $3,000,000.00 yearly. These home 
markets are essential to successful settlement of the clay belt. Canadians are yearly taking a greater interest in financing news print mills. 
Canada now leads the world in news print manufacture. The above three mills will represent an investment of $60,000.000. 

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