Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

i , = Seam COCA rane | 
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oy aer a a mn. IER | LA MAR ~~) | Fox |sTmson ns 3 y 
North-Eastern Ontario and EE eR re 
i = ~ © j . . " Sp, RON/S | 
: = 7% = 2 (HERRING 7 ~ 5 
North Vets, & rr 
orth- estern Quebec | : GEARY mE eR MANN AT er) Iwesiey Moooy  } : Sit - 
V [8 nt. . 
£ 0 eh A \ 3 } 
\ g : ls ¢ 
} B Te <1 in y 
HE fap on this Dae Covers rm Ach where the 3 THORBURN 5 RNEGIE| PROSSER 0 fn = Tred 
oe . ° 8 hb) > 3 1 
I greatest activity has occurred in the production of  * an lb 2 rrrioh LE) oii | ae it 
. . . ] Y TT i 
gold and silver in Northern Ontario and shows the North- § i{rveeone pus K120\ 1 warn | coman Bo NO wine |couuson Bs 
5 3 > > =X WARDEN WiLL. 5 
ern Quebec area which has recently been attracting such ~~ * -_ Nop ill oered 27 8 = kh? 
. ° o | % <P , ! ’ 
marked attention in copper-gold ores. The mining camps 1} !#oss oss ER fo: gr SN ~ SN LEAN i. 
5 5 0 : ; CARR < ; - 
of Cobalt, Kirkland and Porcupine, South Lorrain and 2 ivy T xe o [2 No ile 
C ! % ot N d laet Ha) A 0 BEATTY| MUNRO o£ 7 WING N 
owganda are situated on the Ontario Government 13 | EO [A WR \wsior [suraons 3 Ee PD 
> . . . . "ry in by BOWMAN 
Railway (Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway) Ci el ph Aline, 5 (NEE, 7 PO 4 Nebes fo} Kat Awan 
4 wriThEY 3 ake R) I | HARKER 
between North Bay and Cochrane, a distance of 250 wnerac| 1) Nosiono [smn \ Lo : \ — rt 
: . ye i A! EGAN € 
miles, and on its branch lines. his ( Soo # Mad 2 1 ame. Nop [rors] 
: : - a —_— A S\ Jo HeRATON § 5 x » & 
To reach these important gold and silver mining  Jonrce Rm an = Fee i i i 
camps and the Sudbury nickel camp, passengers from } IA rk i, Ko ee i onriaG 
United States points should obtain their tickets and sleep- mw [i pe Hl worm Te Fret Fo \ % Sa : 
1 3 aon, = f 08 ry ff Lee s obgrs- . 
ing car reservations from representatives of the Grand BRET i { Y Za \ ny LE oid 5 erp osan] 
: . : ; 27 Li Leon o "v : 
Trunk-Canadian National Railways, as these railways — HE Colcnye pul ps if Vag _) Ne La IS “ON! hig ° LAN 
. . . ~ i ’ oY TECH lesEL I . 
serve directly, or through running rights, the gold, silver, NC Ne o/] rE SHE RS DB cm Werurnen « 
. . - . . . GE o3f § = s > = on g = 
and nickel mining territory in Northern Ontario and  |eanor fmsjsano sesgen ey avirz Ny dewme arid —— ~{e] TD God VE 
p ° Emme ' 1 NS £ 7 —~ I 
Northern Quebec. ; | Se le be J \ CET REE, 
: PORT hy. 7 d XS ACHE Fre, % — !/ 
For the information of the non-resident of Canada, — coum fuer | fees fone n TN T eo hao: oH 2 
ay. . . .. . BANNOL: 0 2 oe i ] 
unfamiliar with its conditions, it should be stated that ah = 3 \ i Sn preins 5 Jot 8 KE foes % 
there is sleeping and dining car service to Northern Ontario ' ‘mazes enn er ern ocr Ss To A P= peo VF v2 / 
- ow . . A IAN| Di 3 oh 0 v 
and Northern Quebec mining camps unexcelled anywhere; va 2. 30 pa oY | 3 A pre pov "oan 
. i» 5 a : | [YARROW = —_— 
also motor roads around the mining camps, especially TETh. wanted Ah of ) K \ i We 
along the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario and the | a WE die " XL NIE = 
. . - S_— — z 2 > i 
Canadian National Railways. ‘woe ay meer | re 5 iy > re Lh REE A pense 
2 eyrvronr Ly 54 CHOWN |MICKLE ke L ’ i 
= x bh 7 eC i. } MN ’ QX\ | TvoHoPE RRO prs oft BRETHOUR 
SILVER Go ER vane {ON N 5 
Sil d 1 1 + soves [Brunimcy | e “NON NJ miner wcor NEAWSON | Ped smo] 7 id 
ilver production in Canada for 1925 totalled ; AY | 5 J %) o ? HN [ommouse of AD Re 
$13,815,742 (see Chart). The Cobalt section has pro- x & nl ev ob my ie) lL, 
- \ H YAWCETT 8 ) ; < Ly 
duced 364,000,000 ounces of silver valued at $235,000,000 | 1 se] [hoo BINS enmmrereleonms 1 wor mason | N\A § [A 
: . os a . - = VOSON 
and has paid $100,000,000 in dividends. The Nipissing A INS LA ml PIRNY GR 2 = NI ) 
bine : . ‘ vids 2 (GARABALD smi-R mw. -— 5 * ep; Newlish b> 
Mining Co. has paid $28.363.297.25 in dividends up to [4% Co oy? Lh TE, er ft Eo Ammen Js i 8 
25 HEARD » Yi aff TRSTBRO0K 26Y 
the ond of 1925. ZY, 0GILVIE rye? (NOSTRAND / x ft 
oe 5 | i IY poze - SA, fo" HN 3 
The fame o £ the Cobalt Silver hired’ is worl divi de N ¢ & A BROWNING | DUFFERIN | LECHIE | comLey Foz CIFFIN rv 0d 3 S AF of 3 3 
and is as well if not better known in London and New NNT CX] J Sh Sane Lurreon \¥& $ q N 
York than it is in Canada. While there is decreased | L2)§ > Hanes HEIGHT OF LAND «RS ahi sTocRT \¢ Qe 7 
, Vay, unwin | CR the exposed core of pre-Cambrian {scaoen £ Be cote | AMT ag ~ = Up, 
P! & pis Cx LORRAIN 
| 7 v - vol i 2 NiRER 7? 
© Sudbury Nickel § Y — canics—note relation to enrichment. 4 RE ® be - 
| Belt orients MARZ LAMPMAN | 2 FASK \| ECALE Toe ioe Elen, 2 Te 
lsavnes snevy i CAN. |NAT. lave. SET | | LE i — : 

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