Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

production from Cobalt Camp itself, yet the new silver areas adjacent, thirty miles from Elk Lake, (where Beaver Auxiliary and Mickle have 
of South Lorrain and Gowganda, have been making good. These newer re-opened) but it has a motor and truck road, materially aiding mining. 
districts and certain mines in Cobalt Camp itself will be producing Castle ore reserves are close around 3,000,000 oz. with the main 
silver for many years to come, and Cobalt has been producing for shaft down 700 feet. Costs were 36.2c. per oz. for the past fiscal year. 
twenty years. Silver has been selling around 66¢c. per oz. Castle may be expected to 
Cobalt Camp provided the dividend money which started nearly all the work into a stronger position, and also increase its milling capacity.—— 
other mining camps. La Rose dividends made the Hollinger possible The Miller Lake-O’Brien property has been exceptional in Northern 
and the Hollinger aided Rouyn developments. O’Brien dividends put Ontario mining on account of the stick-to-itiveness displayed in the face 
Gowganda on the map. Mining Corporation dividends aided develop- of all kinds of discouraging conditions for years. When it is stated 
ment at South Lorrain and in Eastern and Northern Manitoba. The that its total production has reached 8,000,000 ozs. and it now has cheap 
Foster sale money started Kirkland Lake. Buffalo dividends electric power and an efficient mill with ore reserves blocked out three 
developed the Teck Hughes at Kirkland. Beaver earnings developed years ahead, its success is evident.——The Tonopah Mining Company 
Kirkland Lake Mine. Coniagas is making a mine of Coniaurum at of Nevada cut rich ore at the 330 ft. level on the Walsh property located 
Porcupine. ~~ Trethewey financed Castle-Trethewey at Gowganda. on the same keewatin-diabase contact, and have blocked out ore which 
Temiskaming, through dividends helped create the McIntyre, of Porcu- warranted the erection of their 150-ton mill. Their success followed 
pine, and Nipissing dividends aided in financing Flin Flon in Northern them on another optioned property—the Morrison, where an 8-in. high 
Manitoba. Kerr Lake financed the Jacobs Asbestos Company and grade vein was discovered at depth together with lower grade, milling 
Goldale of Porcupine. Cobalt and Sudbury started the Dome, and ore bodies.——The W. J. 9 optioned by Huronian Belt, on the same 
Dome, Hammell and McIntyre put Red Lake on the map. This does contact, is now working around 350 ft. with a strong possibility of dupli- 
not include the hundreds, in fact thousands, of mining developments cating the success of the Tonopah.——Noranda Mines are developing 
which were opened up by monies received from the sales of Cobalt the Gardner-Johnston-Hylands property lying between the Morrison 
properties and by dividends paid to individuals. In other words Cobalt and the Walsh, and adjacent to the Huronian Belt, and is another contact 
mothered them all. property of promise.——Capitol is still in funds and now has cheap 
Cobalt camp has paid the colossal sum of $99,875,326 in dividends electric power for extensive mining, and will work towards the contact 
up to the end of 1925. In 1925 at Cobalt, South Lorrain and Gowganda where all these other discoveries surrounding are being made.——Mill- 
there were twenty producing silver mines. Included in these are the crest is working in favorable geological ground and Haultain and Coleroy 
Nipissing, Mining Corporation, O’Brien and MdcKinley-Darragh in ale imteresting prospects.——Wigwam, Everett, Keora and Milner are 
Cobalt; Keeley and Canadian Lorrain (Huronian Belt) and Frontier also approaching that position.——Several other properties are opening 
(Mining Corporation) in South Lorrain; and the Miller Lake O’Brien, and, as stated, the favorable geology is the keewatin-diabase contact. 
Castle Trethewey; Tonopah (Walsh), in Gowganda. This contact also occurs on the east side of the Burke Lake, north of 
the town of Gowganda and this Gowganda Camp looks as if it would in 
GOWGANDA the future be a fairly close runner up on the production of the main 
Geologically the contact that is producing ore at Gowganda is the Cobalt Craap, 
keewatin-diabase, with the bulk of the ore in the first forty acres of SOUTH LORRAIN 
diabase adjacent to the contact, the ore being largely found on and South Lorrain has railway transportation; and concentrates and 
around the diabase sill. Gowganda camp is now away to a right the higher grade ore from the Mining Corporation property are brought 
start with the power line of the Northern Canada Power Company to their mill and refinery at Cobalt for treatment. At South Lorrain 
furnishing power to the Camp from Quinze power plant. Many former the largest bodies of ore have been found in the Keewatins in the first 
properties there are being re-opened and with ample power rapid forty acres away from the diabase contact. 
Gowganda developments can be looked for. Gowganda has yet no English capital has been very fortunate in the Huronian Belt Com- 
railway transportation facilities, being a distance of approximately pany (Keeley), and Mining Corporation (Frontier) and in other ventures, 

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