Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

right point to develop the underground workings with the least tram- paid in dividends $1,150,000, has already been mentioned. Kirkland 
ming of ore, will cost approximately $2,000,000, which is being paid for Lake camp has been in the making and the policy has been one of blocking 
out of earnings over the usual 209, dividend and rest account. out ore down to the 2,000 ft. level and building mills. What is generally 
termed as the main break at Kirkland Lake, over a known length of 
In 1924 Mclntyre’s engineers secured a block of claims by staking approximately two and a half miles, has located on it such producers 
on the extension of the Howey-Red Lake ore body acquired by the as Lake Shore, Wright-Hargreaves, Teck-Hughes, Kirkland Lake and 
Dome Mines at the new Red Lake camp. They have shipped in two Tough-Oakes-Burnside. Surrounding this group are the Townsite, 
diamond drills to test out this vein extension which dips into lower Sylvanite, Macassa, Chaput Hughes, and Hudson Bay properties. 
ground at the boundary line between Dome and McIntyre. Average 
values were both good and consistent at the boundary line. This Lake Shore milled 96,838 tons of ore in 1925 (fiscal year) averaging 
property may prove very valuable to McIntyre who may be expected $18.72 per ton recovery with a total production of $1,812, 494.00 yielding 
to develop it aggressively, yet not to interfere with their extensive plans an operating profit of $1,050,674.00 out of which dividends of $600,000.00 
relative to the new shaft, their underground working, and increase in were paid. 
Zill capaelty ot Porcupine. Wright-Hargreaves milled 147,939 tons of ore in 1925 averaging 
It is not the object of this booklet to set out the detail of all pro- $12.93 per ton and yielding a total value of $1,913,401.00. This fur- 
perties in the various camps. The general public are, through the nished profits of $1,194,064.00 out of which dividends of $687,500.00 
market situation, if not through the mining end, always in touch with were paid. 
the present conditions of such properties as the Dome Mine with its ‘ “gd . 
heavy production; the Coniaurum, which has passed from the prospect Teck-Hughes in the Soar ending August 31st, 1925, mined 48,718 
. , : : tons of ore from which bullion amounting to $924,580.00 was recovered 
stage into that of having all the ear marks of a producer; of the Vipond . Ls ie 
hich is 2 tidv Little niu A mill hain better monthly and averaging $19.52 per ton. The February 1st, 1926, dividend distribu- 
w y e an ping up bette y A plage oy 
operated by Huronian Belt; of the West Dome Lake which produced tion amounted to $237,357.20 and the same distribution is expected 
$287,758 in bullion in 1925, and of the Night Hawk Peninsular which August 1st, 1926. 
produced $196,947 during the past year; of the Ankerite owned by Tough-Oakes-Burnside has produced $2,364,220.00 up to the end of 
Porcupine Gold Fields (English) Company, about which the general 1925 and has paid in dividends $398,625.00. During the period of the 
impression is, it is making good and warrants the present erection of discontinuation of dividends, and especially recently, a large amount of 
the all steel 300-ton mill; and of the Paymaster, and March Gold each exploration has been carried on and paid for and the company is working 
erecting a 100-ton mill; and of other prospects being developed. into a stronger position. 
Porcupine camp is getting its main power supply from the Quinze Kirkland Lake Gold Mines is developing to a depth of 2,500 feet and 
power plant in Quebec, 30 miles north of Haileybury, from which point hag recently been fortunate in running into high grade ore on the 1,850, 
it is carried on a steel tower line. Power costs are $50 per horse power 1,975 and 2,100 foot levels. Beaver is associated and the 150-ton mill 
on a three minute peak load on power up to 5,000 h.p. but scaled down- is expected to resume milling August 1st, 1926, with sufficient reserves 
ward for quantity consumption at Porcupine Camp and Rouyn. In to guarantee no cessation of milling operations. 
addition to this power plant there are the power developments on the 
Mattagami River in the immediate vicinity of Timmins which are set Sylvanite has around $2,000,000.00 of ore actually blocked out and 
out in detail elsewhere. (See “Electric Power.”) has decided to construct a 200-ton mill having two years’ ore in sight. 
Wright-Hargreaves management and ownership are interested and their 
KIRKLAND LAKE $20.00 ore runs into the Sylvanite property on the 850 and 1,250 foot 
The fact that in 1925 Kirkland Lake produced 378,727 tons of ore les2a; 
having an average ore value of $15.75 and a recovery of $14.25, and that it Kirkland Lake Camp has a very promising future. 

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