Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

Rouyn—North- Western Quebec 
In North-Western Quebec, Rouyn and other townships along the the copper-gold content is running from $15 to $40 per ton, with a copper 
Transcontinental section of the Canadian National Railways have content at the Horne of from 49, to 159, and almost a sufficient gold 
geology distinctly in their favor. The nature of deposition of these content (85.25) per ton to pay mining and smelting costs. 
ores through enriched magmatic solutions, granitic intrusions, and the Prolividunry fete about. the cambiiseine been siatedia comnarison 
fact that erosion and glaciation still left extensive ore bodies on the { th ol ia th eth p hs hoi th 1 we i b 
higher elevations along this backbone of the North American Continent, DI EAS OFS. YRWC Wika olicl roppet coinbs: inroushonizine sword wie 
is set out clearly elsewhere in our “Heights of Land’ section of this interesting, 
booklet. America’s vast copper production, more than 649, of the world’s 
Rouyn area, sitting as it is astride the main continental height of output, is largely from ores around 29%, the average recovery being 
land of the pre-Cambrian, along which westerly are located the deep- 30 pounds per ton of ore or 115%. Notwithstanding the low average 
seated ore camps of Kirkland Lake, Porcupine, Sudbury and others grade of these ores, which is low because quantity production permits 
may be expected to have depth of ore deposition in the replacement the stoping and raising of a lower grade, the United States produced 
type of vein not only for hundreds of feet in the shallower ore bodies 1,125,000 long tons of copper in 1925, and paid $73,000,000 in divi- 
but quite possibly indeed far more than hundreds of feet wherever dends. This added to dividends paid by United States copper mining 
diabase dykes occur as in Sudbury camp and especially where ores and smelting refining companies during the last half century makes a 
are bedded and stepped deeper between the more vertical rhyolite flows. total in the immediate vicinity of two billions of dollars. This is 
It is essential first to state that so far, mining development at Rouyn asked to Sa the enigrmous possibilities of future copoer ng, 
has only been possible through costly water borne transportation in Stileltiny andl teimne jo Canads ad to 2hoy Shi an impor; actor 
summer, and long team haul traffic by sleighs in winter. A 44-mile it Los bech Sn Sady trial activity and Inconie_of our neighlior to the 
standard gauge railway from the Transcontinental at O’Brien is now South, nog jorgetiing the rentimersiive tonnage: above atioted” which 
under construction with 10 miles of track laid to July 25th. Steel will juvited the building of railways. 
reach Rouyn on November 1st and on November 15th the Canadian As a considerable portion of this has been realized on exports of 
National Railway will operate the branch line. A time saving passenger copper to Europe it is necessary to point out that the copper country 
“connection” schedule and through sleeper movement will be effected. which looms up as an important competitor with American copper, is the 
Development to date in general at the camp has consisted of surface Belgian Congo and possibly Rhodesia. The Katanga ores of the Belgian 
exploration, extensive shallow diamond drilling, yet to nearly 1,000 feet Congo are high grade like Rouyn as hereinafter stated, and the Belgian 
vertical; shaft sinking to 800 foot depth and cross-cutting on the Horne Government is completing railway construction to the interior at a cost 
property at 100 and 300 foot levels. Temporary steam power is utilized of $50,000,000, which is decidedly interesting compared to Rouyn. Our 
and a power line under construction to convey electric energy from the conclusions after having made a study of the American copper situation 
same plant on the Upper Ottawa, at the Quinze, as Porcupine and other as well Bs the Belgo Congo, Rhodesia and others, which COMPAriSon yie 
camps are obtaining their power from at present. have decided is too lengthy to set out here because if given at all they 
The rnin es aold-zinedigeoverios haved mod the Tor should be all set out in detail, is that when copper drops below 13c. the 
pper-g 3 WE ee AON Ne ore 1 i h for some anxiety and even the 29 
property of the Noranda Mines, Limited, the Alderson-McKay; the 146% TOPer Ttkos a y ¢ 
Waite-Montgomery, and at the Amulet. The Arntfield, optioned to the mines prefer not to see 12¢. ‘or lower copper. 
Porcupine Gold Fields; the Chance, optioned to Tonopah Mining Co.; Admitting the high grade of the Belgo Congo ore, and the fact that 
the Holliwell, optioned to N. A. Timmins; the McDougall-Cassells, both English and American companies are increasing their activity in 
optioned to the Lindsey-McIntyre group; the Coniagas and Nipissing, that section, and in Rhodesia, where the copper ores may be given 
in Montbray Township are high class prospects. Generally speaking credit with averaging up around 39%, also the world competition they 

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