Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

Montbray and others in Duprat and Destor and Dufresnoy are banked developing to depth from drifting and cross-cutting. Other properties 
on both sides of the mineralized height of land range. The sedimentary in the vicinity are the Clarke-Bourlamaque, Sanderson, Martin, Clarke, 
belt runs east and west, and on it gold prospects are being worked in Dubuisson, Unison and Sullivan. 
Cadillac, Malartic, Fourniere and the Upper Hurricanaw section south Discoveries of some importance have been made at Fisher by the 
of Amos. Loring and Flynn interests and in the vicinity of Amos. The quartz 
GOLD PROPERTIES porphyry on these properties is more identical to the Hollinger-McIntyre 
In gold, worthy of first mention is the O’Brien property in Cadillac, section than has been seen elsewhere to date in Northern Quebec. Very 
where a double compartment shaft has been sunk to a depth of 100 feet recently diamond drilling commenced on these Fisher Quebec Prospect- 
and 700 feet of drifting and 300 feet of cross-cutting accomplished to ing Syndicate, Limited, properties, and three holes have reached a depth 
May, 1925, and made possible by the good water transportation route of 250 ft. vertical. The core (not yet assayed) shows the same important 
from Amos. So far values and results have been quite sufficiently en- schisted zones, quartz porphyry and continuity of vein at that depth 
couraging over mining widths to continue developing. The Thompson as the large surface showing. This is a promising section of country. 
properties to the west have some quite spectacular free gold ore and the Exceptional transportation facilities exist both in railways and good 
surface showings warrant extended development. They are now dia- motor roads at this point. 
mond drilling to depth, being financed by Huronian Belt. The latter GENERAL 
Tombony' p exforined sexionsive work ju ihe Pelletier Loke gala pron Further items of interest to those intending to visit Rouyn this 
mainly on the McMillan property where average channels yielded $15 hat the Flliott- Fairchild Ale Borcice ie 
per ton in gold over a width of 514 feet and $9 over a width of 7 feet. Samper (1926) are, shat tne Blioittanenid ate Syice are opsraving a 
: : : “i daily flying service from Haileybury to Rouyn with large hydroplane. 
This work will be resumed when the railway reaches Rouyn and mining ; ; : : ; 
: : : . : : The time of flying occupies one hour; and fare approximately $50.00. 
operations reduced in cost. This syndicate also has properties adjacent Ronid trepclis eh ohh tures er iti Ro are SY 
to the Abana, north of the Transcontinental. The Malartic Mining De itive Lo:-husin 8 Y o-olherwise 
Syndicate holdings (Kennedy Sladen) in Fourniere Township, which coud not afford the time. 
stood up under surface examination yielding $10 ore over a width Banking facilities should be mentioned because they affect deals and 
of 12 to 14 feet, was diamond drilled by Porcupine Gold Fields Company, transfer of properties. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, the Royal 
an English syndicate operating extensively in Canada. The Don Bank of Canada, the National (and it is expected the Imperial Bank of 
Rouyn Company’s property in Malartic is showing encouraging results Canada) are already located in Rouyn. The main office of Mining 
from exploration. There are several other promising surface showings Recording is at Quebec City, with a district office for Rouyn and the 
in this particular section one of which is the Gouldie property now townships south, at Ville Marie, Que., and for the townships north the 
optioned by large mining interests. Mining Recording Office is Amos. It should also be stated that it is 
The Stabell property in Bourlamaque Township sunk a vertical possible to telephone Rouyn long distance through the Bell and Temis- 
double compartment shaft to 600 feet on an attractive surface quartz kaming Service and telegraphic service is furnished by sending telegrams 
vein with some copper showing. Values were quite all right when cross- via Canadian National Railways. 
cut at 100 feet, 200 feet, 300 feet and 400 feet. The cross-cut at 600 feet There are two other ways for passengers to reach Rouyn this summer 
ran into faulting and temporarily, pending option arrangements and prior to the arrival of steel; one when the fifty mile motor highway from 
hoisting equipment, the property was closed. It would be interesting to Makamik is completed to Rouyn in June, and the other by going Can- 
ascertain by the drag of the ore whether the faulting was pre-ore or adian National to Haileybury or New Liskeard and by motor and boat 
post-ore because a prominent property temporarily closing, even when trip on the Upper Ottawa which occupies a fullday. Good hotelaccommo- 
privately owned, affects the surrounding district. It is very likely that dation is available at New Liskeard and also at Haileybury, where a 
some rearrangement may reopen this property for extended exploration. new hotel, erected at a cost of $190,000, was opened in April this year, 
A property on which it is to be hoped that such determined efforts 1926. Wire reservations to : “Hotel Haileybury.” No more inter- 
as are now being made will be successful is the Siscoe, which has been esting and delightful tourist trip, where golfing, boating, touring around 

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