Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

the mines and congenial company are all available, is possible to find American Continent may be expected to make astounding progress and 
in the North Country. this season be the scene of even greater activity than heretofore. 
Scouts representing the more aggressive copper and gold companies are 
In view of the fact that the cement for the laying of the foundations securing interests in promising groups of claims by assisting prospectors 
for Horne smelter is on the ground, construction under way and power in assessment work and by purchasing properties on which the 
and transportation facilities provided, this latest copper camp on the assessment work has proved up attractive ore deposits. 
SE re TE = 
$16,000,000. } 
'$ 12,000,000. 
‘$ 8,000,000.} 
i$ 4,000,000. rib 
pe es. oe FR 
YEARS— | 1921 192271923 1924 1025 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 

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