Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

eastward from a promising section around Rickaby Lake, which adjoins diamond drilling to that depth checked up approximately with the 
the Central Manitoba gold area, on through the Red Lake—Woman surface values, which anyone looking at this large vein on surface, con- 
Lake section, south of the height of land, and around Birch Lake, north sidering its length, would expect. Deeper diamond drilling by Dome 
of it. and McIntyre may be expected and is in fact proceeding. 
Limited geological reconnaissance leads to the belief that away to It is development work that Red Lake requires, and the various 
the north of Red Lake for 50 miles, it may be almost entirely granite, mining syndicates heretofore mentioned are putting such development 
yet it is a fact that at that point there is quite a prominent divide of work under way. It must be remembered that the deep overburden in 
waters (height of land) and it would be strange if there were no Keewatin heavy forest growth requires no small amount of work to make a showing. 
basalts, because easterly along this prominent height of land to the north The Smith find east of McKenzie Island gives promise of being important. 
of Woman Lake Keewatin basalts exist. Another promising section Extensive work is planned on the Tyrrell properties and the Trethewey. 
exists at Schist Lake, Island Lake and Savant Lake (shown on the map) Several finds by Powell, Rowe, Tripp and Dunkin have been made in 
north of and closer to the Transcontinental Railway. The schist area the Woman Lake section, and in the vicinity of Clearwater Lake. Dis- 
shown on map is taken from an old report by Dowling for the Geological coveries by Clarke and others in the Birch Lake area, north of the height 
Surveys Branch, Ottawa, 1896, and a geological reconnaissance was made of land, are encouraging, and these sections, even if more difficult to 
by Dr. E. L. Bruce for the Ontario Geological Department in 1924. reach, are getting the attention of prospectors and mining men. 
Several of the established companies of Cobalt and Porcupine have The general public, of course, understand that on the 5000 claims 
acquired properties at Red Lake at the locations shown on map. The recorded (especially the winter stakings) they are taking a gamble expect- 
well known mining companies who have taken up holdings in the Red ing that development will encover enrichment zones and pay ore. The 
Lake mining sections are the Dome Mines, McIntyre Mines, Huronian fact that prospectors with what is evidently well located ground, with 
Belt, Nipissing Mines, Victoria Syndicate, Coniagas Mining Company, favorable geological formation have extensive work to perform, and at 
the Noranda Mines, together with directors of several other prominent times require financial assistance seems to afford experienced Canadian 
mining companies. Syndicates with apparently well located holdings American and British mining companies an opportunity to secure attrac- 
are the Cockeram, McDonough, Cochenour, Northern Minerals, Tyrrell, tive interests in such holdings, many of whom have representatives on 
and Dunlop. the ground. The large mining companies cannot expect to find in this 
. or any other new camp groups of properties which their engineer can 
Interest centres around the option taken up by the Dome on the pass on by reporting that they have the ear-marks of a mine. In the 
Howey Red Lake Syndicate group. Should the Dome Mines complete meantime a decided feeling of confidence prevails in the camp. 
their option in its entirety they will acquire 75%, of the stock of the 
Howey-Red Lake Company on whose properties they are obligated to Temporary transportation to this camp, which is approximately 
expend $10,000 per month in development work. 130 miles by winter sleigh road from Hudson, on the Canadian National 
. . Railways, is this summer being provided by water navigation on Lac Seul 
The severe surface channel sampling which the Howey property from Hudson, and from Sioux Lookout. From Hudson it is possible to 
was given by the Dome, and the fact that they took up the option, operate a 5-foot draft boat over a 130-mile waterway to Pine Ridge, which 
created a strong feeling of stability relative to Red Lake. It had pre- is within approximately 40 miles of Red Lake. From Sioux Lookout a 
viously, under former ownership, been closely channel sampled, and they short portage occurs at Pelican Rapids. Over this third of a mile portage 
state that over narrow stoping widths it is a high grade ore approaching steel rail is laid with car and tractor available for operation to take 
Kirkland Lake high values. Over quite wide milling widths it is $12 over canoes and supplies. On the above mentioned 40 miles a winter 
to $16 ore, and over widths and lengths which compare favorably with road was cut, over which tonnage and supplies moved by team, sleighs 
Porcupine, it is almost a $10.00 grade of ore. As this is the nature of and tractors. From Pine Ridge in the summer, the English River is 
surface showings for a gold property that is worth while, it becomes a descended as far as the mouth of the Mattawa River, in which distance 
question of actually finding out if enrichment goes to depth. Dome two short portages are necessary. The Mattawa River is then ascended 
has two diamond drills working on the Howey pr operty and one on the to Shallow Lake, at the north end of which Red Lake River enters. This 
Red Lake Prospectors Sy ndicate. McIntyre has two drills on the exten- stream is followed up to Red Lake; the route crosses Gull Rock Lake and 
sion of the Howey ore body into the McIntyre holdings. When 17 dia- Keg Lake. Four portages are made between Shallow Lake and Gull 
mond drill holes were down to a depth of 200 feet and over (some of Rock Lake, but all are short and practically level. 
which reached to 500 ft.) the interested parties sent a mining plant 
to the property to be the better able to size up the milling ore body Lac Seul, with its red pine points and sandy beaches, in fact all of 
through actual measurements taken from drifts and cross-cuts. The that section adjacent to Hudson and Lac Seul and Sioux Lookout is ideal 

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